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Chapter thirty | Roslyn

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Riley woke up and fixed me breakfast in bed. Since we've found out the baby's gender were going to go buy clothes and stuff for the Baby R. I had a list of names and we decided on one. 

I finish eating breakfast and get dressed since it's around Christmas were going shopping early. I finish getting ready and head down stairs to Riley.

"Ready?" He asks

"Yup." I say opening the door and heading out side

We drive about thirty minutes out of down to his baby store that has everything we need. I picked up a few pink outfit for her while she's a new born. I forgot to mention that yesterday I turned four months.

You can now visibly see my bump. It's not as huge but it's there. Riley hasn't stopped going crazy about it. He walks over to me with his bow going on and on about how cute she'll look with it. "Baby can you just imagine how cute she'll be wearing this." He says

"Yes Riley. We can get it I know that's what you're thinking." I say

"You don't know how much I love you." He says kissing my cheek, he's definitely gonna drive me crazy before I have this baby. I forgot to say that when we found out that I was pregnant he got a job that pays him a lot and I also got me a small job working at a small cafe.

We've been saving for the baby and also an apartment hopefully we'll move in before she's born. I just can't wait to finally have my little family. We finished shopping and went to go get smoothies. I've been craving those like crazy now.

I really think our baby is gonna be blind I mean her mom and dad has to wear glasses of course I choose not to and wear contacts. I might start wearing them but that's gonna make me and Riley look like two nerds who just experienced their sexual fantasies.


*Flash Back*

"Why did you take him from me." She say

"Take who? Oh Riley. Yea I am also pregnant." I say lying knowing damn well we haven't even had sex yet

"You are a whore like everyone said." She says point her finger in my face

"Get your motherfucking white ass crusty ass finger out my fucking face before I jump you again." I say

"Do something ni-." She says before so cut her off punching her in the cheek

Bitch wanna tussle I'll show a bitch how to tussle. I put my hair in a bun quickly. And start to punch her in the eye, mouth, and nose. She tried to hit me back but could never get me. Once I knocked her out I stood up. Kicked her and whispered "also learn from your lessons dumbass" looked up to see everyone staring then they started clapping and laughing. Ima be honest that was fun.

"Roslyn." I see Riley walking in a fast pace angrily

Maybe if I keep this up I might get dick tonight.

"What." I say smirking

"What was this for." He questions

"She was finna call me a racial slur so I fucked her up. I also told her I was pregnant even tho I am not." I say smiling

"Keep on Roslyn. I will make sure to put one in you if that will keep you from getting kicked out." He says

"Fine." I say rolling my eyes walking away

*Flashback over*


Guys he in fact did put a baby in me. I'm not even mad anymore. If you get what i'm saying. Enough of that Christmas is just around the corner. "Riley do you remember when you said that you would put a baby in me if that's what kept me out of trouble?" I ask

"Yeah I think so why?" He asks looking at me

"Oh nothing I was just thinking about it and laughing how now I am pregnant." I say

"Small world huh?" He says

"I guess so." I say

We get home and start to put up the baby's clothes and stuff. Christmas is now two days away. I can't wait for Riley to see everything that I got him.

Falling for him is coming to an end soon 🥲 i will make an second book don't worry

***A/NFalling for him is coming to an end soon 🥲 i will make an second book don't worry

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