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Epilogue | Roslyn

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Dear, Whoever is reading this,

Believe it or not but it's been four years since I've had Rosaline. It's been a year since me and Riley have been married. I am officially a mom of two. Last year I gave girth to my healthy baby boy who we decided to name Rylan.

He looks more like Riley of course. Rosaline have not stopped going crazy since we found out I was pregnant. Not long after Rosaline's first birthday my dad did passed away. It was heartbreaking but he did put up a fight.

I finished up college and now have my own pediatrician office. Riley is a business man. He was traveling but he stopped once we got engaged or whatever. We are living in New York. We did have a penthouse but we decided it's time for a house.

The life with both my husband, kids and family is nothing compared to what I had four years ago. Soon our one year anniversary is coming up. Time has flown by so fast. Rosaline in pre-k I just can't believe she's grown up so fast.

I just have to talk about the wedding. It was like a dream it was just like Princess Tiana and Prince Nareen's wedding. I cried for days after that. I still can't believe I had a whole baby two months before my wedding. But it was and still is all worth it.

"Roslyn." Riley yells

"What?" I yell back

"Rylan's walking."

When I tell you I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room. "Omg my baby is growing up on me." I say picking him up

He smiles at me with his one little teeth looking like Ray. Let me stop doing my own child like this. Rosaline is at school if your wondering where she is. "I have to go get ready to open up the office." I say handing Rylan to Riley

The office has been doing great about a week after I opened it. I keep it opened all week except for Sundays since we have church. Not trying to get off the topic but did I mention Riley was late to our own wedding because him and his friends were getting high. It was chaotic.

I stayed mad at him for like three hours. I wish I could write more but this is it. Ill always keep Falling For Him everyday and I will never stop.

Xoxo, Roslyn Oakley

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