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Chapter twenty-seven | Riley

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After what happened yesterday I've been making sure Roslyn doesn't let it get to her. After we left I took her out to eat for our anniversary and bought her a bouquet of roses. She started crying. The hormones always get me sometimes I be scared i'll be the next victim when she's mad.

On Friday we finally go back to get another ultrasound to check on the baby. I can't believe in a month we'll find out if we're having a boy or girl. I know you're probably like I thought y'all were finding out in January the gender. Roslyn changed her mind to find out in December. Also sadly my last football season ended the day before  thanksgiving break. We lost sadly.

She's been craving the weirdest shit. Like last night she wanted chocolate and pickles together. Disgusting. I can't believe that her bump is showing now. We're on our way to buy stuff for Christmas now. We stop by Starbucks like always.

"Riley let's get a picture with Santa and I can tell everyone that i'm pregnant this way." Roslyn says

"Alright." I say luckily I always keep the first ultrasound with me

We go up to Santa and explain what we're doing. Roslyn holds her belly looking down smiling and I hold out the ultrasound while kissing her belly, and Santa is behind us peaking looking surprised. After we got our pictures we went and printed more.

"I can't wait for us to get our own house one day so I can but these up." She says smiling

"I can't wait neither, want to take a break from walking you look in pain my love." I say

"I'm okay." She says laughing

"Just let me know when you get tired." I say

"Gotcha." She says

We go get my mom presents diapers, bottles, and pacifiers. We go our separate way to get each others gifts. I went to pandora to get Roslyn and matching necklace to her ring, and I bought myself and necklace with Roslyn's first and last initial on it. I headed to bath and body works to get her more of her favorite fragrances body gels, lotions. I went into the maternity store to get her pregnancy pants before hers start get small. I also got her a pregnancy pillow. I know she'll love it.


I got Riley more games for his ps5, more nike blazers, a chain because I know he's gonna be lookin fine as wine. Some cologne from Dior he's been wanting. Boxers that ill wear. I decided to buy him this watch he's been wanting. I want this Christmas to be the best one yet before our baby's arrival.

It's been two hours since we've been shopping. I meet Riley at the food court because I'm starving. I got a corn dog and fries, and Riley got fries and a burger. We finish eating and head home.

"You feel tired?" Riley asks looking at me

"Im okay." I say

"Want to start putting the Christmas tree up and surprise mama?" He asks

"You already know the answer." I say jumping up

I go to the closest at get the tree and decorations out. I start to put the garland and lights on while Riley's putting hooks on the ornaments. We start to put the ornaments on. The tree looks beautiful. I start to help him put decorations around the house. 

"I'm gonna go take a nap." I tell Riley

"Alright i'll be up later, love you." He says kissing my lips

"Love you more." I say heading up stairs

I get into the room and change into more comfy clothes. I scroll on instagram for a little bit, and end up dosing off and on. I feel Riley getting into bed not long after I do. I turn around and cuddle him and drift on off to sleep.

Roslyn in a couple months:

***A/NRoslyn in a couple months:

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