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Chapter thirty-two | Roslyn

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Today is the first day back from Christmas break. Talking about terrified. Since the trimester has started over me and Riley have only two classes together. Like what the actual fuck.

Next week I'll be five months. Literally only four more or less months until I meet my baby. I can't wait. I've been texting Riley non stop since we've got to school. Guess who they let out of jail. Atia. They letting that bitch come back here too. Like what the hell.

That hoe almost killed me. Anyways me and Gloria still aren't close. After the gender reveal I never talked to her again and I could care less.

I've been sleeping in almost every class but getting my work done. I am so ready to go home. Well lunch is in an hour. So I guess that's alright.

Third period ended and now I'm headed to lunch to finally see Riley. I head to the lunch table where he is but it's crowded. I get closer to see Atia sitting on his lap. Bitch.

Riley's looking like he's uncomfortable. "Excuse me." I say

Forgot to mention I'm wearing a more tighter shirt that shows my bump. "Roslyn it's not what it's look like." He says pushing Atia to the ground

"The whore got knocked up." Atia says pointing at my stomach

"Okay and." I say

"Who's the babydaddy because Riley would never get somebody like you knocked up." She says

"You just love to hear yourself talk don't you." I say

"How are you going to call me a whore when you've had what four abortions?" I say

"No I didn't." She says

"Bullshit." I say

"I was really hoping that you died you know." She says

"Aw that's so see. How was it behind bars?" I ask

"Better than your life." She says

"You're lucky I'm pregnant." I say

"If you weren't you wouldn't do shit to me." She says

"You clearly haven't learned have you?" I say

"I did learn some things while riding him." She says point at Riley

"Girl shut the fuck up." I say sitting on Riley's lap

"I bet your baby will die before it's even born." She says laughing

This bitch. I know damn well. I try to get up but Riley's holding me down. Fuck being pregnant I just need to get my hands on her one last time.

I manage to get out of Riley's hold. Since he's been going to the gym that body is so firm. Not right now Roslyn.

"Repeat what you just said." I say looking her in her face

"I said that your baby will be dead before it's even b-." I punched that bitch in the face like I was punching some ice. She got me fucked up. They can't even do nothing to me because it was clearly self defense. Let me stop lying.

"You bitch." She says coming towards me

Before she could even do something Riley tripped her up and she hit that big ass brainless head.

"Dick head." I say slapping her face

I grab Riley's hand and head to hour last class.  "What are you gonna tell them Roslyn it's just our first day back." He says holding my hand

"Ima say it was self defense duh." I say laughing

"Clearly when I said it I got you pregnant to make you stay out of trouble didn't help did it." He says

"Nope." I say smiling

"You're something else Roslyn." He says kissing me

"I know." I say smiling


It's been a week. I didn't get in trouble or anything. But today we're going to get another ultrasound to make sure baby's fine and everything.

We get to my OBGYN appointment and sit in the waiting room. "What are you smiling for?" I ask Riley

"I just can't believe that soon we'll have our baby finally." He says

"Me too I am kind of scared of delivery." I say

"Why?" He asks

"I don't know the thought of having a whole human coming out of my coochie scares me." I say laughing

"I'll be by your side the whole time through it." He says holding my hand

"Stop you're gonna make me cry." I say laughing

"Im telling the truth Roslyn." he says

"I know you are." I say

"Roslyn Eden." The nurse says

We get up and follow her back to the room. I lay down and lift up my shirt for her to spread the jelly like stuff. She uses the little thing and goes around my stomach to find the baby.

Of course Riley I recording again. "She's so precious." Riley says

"Im going to turn on the sound so we can hear her heartbeat." She says

I nod my head and hold onto Riley's hand. The water works started once I heard her little heartbeat. A couple minutes later we get hour ultrasound and head home.

four more chapters left 😛

***A/Nfour more chapters left 😛

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