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Chapter eight | Roslyn

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Its been a few days since I stayed at Riley's house. If I want to be honest I've been avoiding him for three days now. I do feel bad but it's just I don't know. I'm scared to be hurt.

Do I love Riley? Yes I do but we aren't officially. So why would I- never mind.



Why have you been avoiding me?

I've been busy.

I just wanted to say that I've brought my grades up, and you don't have to tutor me any more.

Omg Riley I am so proud of youuu!!

Thanks like i'm serious thank you for everything Roslyn. You mean everything to me.

You mean a lot to me too you know, and when ever you need help let me know :)

Alright I gotta to go to practice. My place to hang out after?

Sure you can pick me up after I leave volleyball practice.


Read 2:17 pm

4:00 pm

Me personally I hate volleyball. My legs are sore, and my head is pounding like I've had a hangover. I'm standing out of the gym waiting for Riley.

"Well well well if it isn't Riley's new fuck toy." Atia says

"Why do you hate me so much?" I ask

"Have you seen yourself?" She says

"I have actually, and Riley has too and he damn well likes it." I say

"That's what you think." She says walking away

I walk to get into Rileys truck before he pulls me in for a kiss.

"I've been missing those lips." He says

"I know you have." I say smirking

"One more day until game day!" I say

"I'am so ready." He says

"I know you are and so am I." I say


"Stop Riley!" I yell

"What tickling you isn't fun?" He questions with a smirk

"Riley." I say

"Yea?" He ask

"I hate to ruin this moment but what are we like we've made out, kissed. What are we? Are you just trying to get in my pants?" I ask

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