xi - meeting my karma

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He got me.

He got me.

Growing up, I always thought that I'd have an easy life. I wasn't one to get in trouble with the law. I didn't talk back to my elders. I was an angel. As close to one as I could be.

I was nice to everyone because I believed in karma. I was taught that no matter who you are, the universe will always get even.

But after the things I've been through, and after I've suffered at the hands of people who were supposed to unconditionally love me, I stopped believing in karma because nothing bad happened to them. If anything, their lives seemed to get better after they wronged me. I got tired of it so I started to take matters into my own hands and get my own justice.

People walk all over you and expect you to let them. Even when you read the Bible, you're supposed to turn over the other cheek. Well, I call bullshit.

I started believing in revenge. I got revenge on everyone who wronged me before. But I guess karma does exist. Zane is my karma.

And I know I'm not done paying for my sins just because he got me this time.



For maybe the first time in my life, I decided to listen to my heart.

I had three of my men stay with Xavier and I had two more of them come with me to get to Iris. If someone is trying to hurt her, I need my minions to take care of it while I take care of her.

As soon as I get in my car, I start to drive to her like a maniac. I must've broken every traffic rule in the book because I don't stop for any stop signs or red lights. I am going at least 80 mph because I know that I have to get to her as fast as possible. A trip that should've taken me fifteen minutes only takes me seven minutes.

The second that I reach Iris's apartment, I run towards the front door. When I open her door, I know that I am going to hurt the person who laid hands on her.

Her living room looks fine, but her kitchen is a mess. I see her shorts on the floor, and there are splotches of blood by the kitchen island. I see a bloody knife at the beginning of the stairs and I run upstairs without any hesitation. My men follow suit and I know that they would die to save her. Anyone who is important to me is important to them. I just hope I am not too late.

As soon as we reach the stairs, I see the mess that makes my skin crawl. Her bathroom door is ripped in half, and there is water all over the floor, but the water looks pink. There is a chair next to the broken door. Bloody footprints taint her white floor and as I get closer, that's when I notice the bathtub by the door.

My poor baby, she must've tried to block the entrance but this psycho must've used the chair to break the door. I don't see Iris but my eyes finally land on him.

All I see is his back, but I don't hesitate to try to go in the bathroom. The door is locked and I see him slowly creeping towards the wall. I can't see the corner, but considering that Iris is out of sight, I'm assuming that she is hiding there and he is going over there to hurt her.

I quickly pull out my gun and shoot him in the leg. The bastard stops dead in his tracks and drops to the floor. He clutches his leg in pain and lays on the floor. I hand the gun to one of my men and tell them to take care of it.

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