xlvii - i do

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"Where are we going?" I ask Xavier because he's leading me inside the house.

"I have a little gift for you, and I think you're really going to like it," he smiles and I giggle softly.

"You know I don't like surprises right?" I joke and he chuckles.

"Yes, but you will love this one," he says as he opens the front door for me.

We walk inside his bedroom, and he opens a drawer. "Here," he hands me a camera and I laugh.

"You got me a camera?" I ask a little confused.

"No, Leo got you this," he reveals and my heart breaks a little. "He gave it to me a few weeks ago and told me to save it for you just in case so, I'm being a good messenger," he shrugs and chuckles.

"'Thank you X," I tell him and give him a hug. "I love you and thank you so much for being there for me through everything. Thank you for being the big brother I always wanted."

"Aw, I love you too sorellina, and no need to thank me. We're family," he replies and we pull away from the hug.

I give him a small smile before I leave the room. I take the camera with me to Leo and I's room and my hands start to shake with anticipation. I'm not sure what to expect but I know it's going to be good.

I sit down on the edge of the bed and click the power button. My heart smiles when I see his face pop up and I click play for the video to start.

"Hi princess," he smiles brightly and I flood with happiness. Hearing his voice directed at me like this feels good. It feels like he's here with me.

"Hi baby," I answer as if he could actually hear me.

"So if you're watching this, it means I'm dead which fucking sucks because I'm probably in hell right now," he laughs in the video and I giggle.

"I made this video because there are a lot of things that shouldn't go unsaid and I want you to know how I really feel about you," he says and I feel tears coming again.

"First off, you are the most ethereal woman in my eyes. You are amazing inside and out and you have such a beautiful soul," he says and I smile.

"No, I'm not, I kill people," I say to myself quietly.

"And knowing you, you're probably that you're not because of your anger issues," he winks and I laugh. "But they deserved it and it doesn't take away from who you are and the big heart that you wear on your sleeve."

A tear falls from my eye and drops onto the camera and I wipe it off with my finger.

"I want to thank you, baby. I want to thank you for accepting me, all of me, and for loving me in a way that I never thought was possible. In a way that I never thought I deserved."

I might be sad but I am getting horny just seeing his face honestly. His cheekbones, his jawline, his eyes, and fuck, his shirt is unbuttoned and I'm getting a peak of his pecs and abs.

Now I want to cry cause I'm never going to get that dick again.

"Thank you for accepting Bella, and treating her like she is your own. You are the mother she deserves because you are her guardian angel. Please watch over her," he says as he leans closer to the frame. "Her best shot at life is with you."

"You got it, baby," I whisper and bring the camera closer to my face.

"I always told myself that my mother would've loved you and lo and behold, I had a dream a few nights ago about her and she gave me some good advice. She told me that it doesn't get better than you, and when I have someone like you, I don't let her go."

I smile at the thought of meeting his mother, and it makes me happy to know even though I don't know her, I love her and she would've loved me too.

"Diabolo is coming for us and I don't know what the outcome is going to be, but I know that I would give my life for you in heartbeat, so in case, it got to that point, I want to say the things I won't ever get the chance to say to you my love," he says in the video. I watch him set the camera down on top of the vanity and he pulls a velvet box from the top drawer.

"I, Leonardo Sorelli," he starts and opens the velvet box. He pulls out a ring and looks into the camera again before continuing, "take you, my beautiful Iris Amyrah James, be my wife. To have and to love, from this day forward until eternity," he says and tears start to flow down my face.

"I promise you that even though I'm not there physically, I am there in spirit and I am rooting for you from the great beyond, or while I'm burning," he laughs and I see a tear fall out of his eye.

Seeing him cry makes me ball my eyes out and I pause the video as I quietly sob to myself. But I don't think they are tears of sadness. They're tears of joy because I am so happy that I found my soulmate.

Even if it was short-lived.

I play the video again, and he continues. "I promise that for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, I will always cherish you even after death has torn us apart," he smiles and he slides the ring down his ring finger in his left hand.

"I love you with every cell in my body and if you want to take me as your husband, there's a ring in the same drawer in a dark red box," he says and I let out a soft cry.

I get up from the bed and walk to the vanity. I open the drawer and true enough, there is a red box hiding behind all the clothes. I open it in my hand to the most beautiful ring ever.

I walk back and grab the camera just so I can see his smile. "I love you forever baby," I let out through tears.

I slide the ring down my ring finger and I smile when I imagine how happy he'd be now that I am his wife.

"I do."

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