Chapter 12

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I've noticed only a few comments, and I just wanted to say....PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!! THANKS!! :) And sorry it took awhile to write this one!!



March 26th 3:42PM . . .

"You're girlfriend . . . be careful," I whispered in a hushed tone. He hunched his schoulders and stiffened. Immediately, I regretted saying that. I knew I only did it because I was jealous. Alexander was always mine in my mind, and now it turns out he has a girlfriend he absolutely adores. What was I supposed to do-give them my blessing?!

I turned around daintily, still shocked from being confronted so  . . . aggressively. Alexander was so stiff and mood-swingy. But somehow, these flaws made him more beautiful and attractive to me. I treasured the way he gazed at me with those green, green eyes, even if it was in spite. The way his muscles clenched unconsciously when he glared at me. Oh, and his voice! His voice . . . it was the sound of clanging bells that would either ring sweetly or boom thunderously. The simple sound of it nearly had me on my knees.

I shook my head to clear myself. I was crazy, crazy for thinking these things for a boy who I barely knew. Well, I barely knew his personality. ( I knew his features well enough.) I only knew that his attitude wasn't that great, and that errupting into anger was a habit of his.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I grabbed it and flipped it open.


"Hey! Okay, I have like . . . ten minutes," Lexi said in a spy-like tone. "What happened? Who was it?"

I closed my eyes and dragged in a deep breath. "It was him. Alexander!!"


I nodded to myself. "Uh huh! And he saw the pictures. It was terrible!"

"What's he want?"

I thought of telling her about the whole DTS-whatever he was talking about. But as I pictured his angry face, scarred with memories from the past, I decided against it.

"What's he want?! ROSEY!!"

"Nothing. He just wanted to know if I was a stalker."

"What did you say??"

I glanced at objects around me for ideas. I saw an art gallery opening sign. "Ummm, well, I said that my friend found some pictures online and I drew them for the art gallery . . ."

Lexi laughed on the other line. "Did he believe that?!"

"Yeah, crazy I know. He did though."

 Her laughter became louder, and I giggled with her, feeling frustrated on the inside. What was Alexander hiding? Why from me? Was it some deep dark secret . . . like maybe a murder or a death? I shuddered at the thought of Alexander doing something so evil. Sure, he acted violent, but I doubted he could kill anyone.

            “Hey,” Lexi said suddenly, “I gotta go! Ooh, wish me luck with Jason!”

            I laughed genuinely this time. “Haha, just keep it rated PG-13 okay? We don’t want Mrs. Jarrod to walk through the door with pepper spray or something. Haha. Okay, bye have fun!”

            “Thanks!” Lexi voice grew distant as she spoke to Jason saying, “Hello there, handsome, yeah sushi sounds good. It was Rosey, wishing me luck.”

            “For what?” Jason asked.

            “Tonight with you, silly. It’s takes luck and more to keep someone as sexy as you to myself, y’know.”

            In a teasing voice, Jason asked, “Oh, I’m sexy?”

            I hung up before I could hear the smooching and the cheesiness of their conversation. My mind returned to Alexander and before I could stop myself, I pictured Alexander saying the things Jason said to Lexi but to me. Not Eliza — me.

            My mind was so jumbled that as I walked home, I went down the wrong street. Maybe if I was paying attention, I would’ve noticed, but since I was so confused, I just continued my way.


            I stepped back and bent down to help a pretty girl pick up her stuff. She had on an adorable dress and I was about to ask her where she got it, when she snapped at me:

            “Watch where you’re going!”

            I apologized and stooped down to where she was to pick up her stuff. She got off the ground and dusted herself.

            “I’m Rosalynn, the klutz. Haha, what’s your name?” I asked, trying to lighten the damp mood.

            Reluctantly, the girl eased up and smiled. “Eliza.”

            I stifled a gasp. “Alexander’s girlfriend?”

            “Yeah,” she said sweetly.

            “Lucky guy,” I said just as sugary, kissing up to her.

            Eliza laughed. “No, I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one.”

            I laughed with her, wanting to know more. “Is that so?”

            “Yeah, he’s so . . .”

            I looked at her face, seeing why Alexander could fall for her. Eliza had bright red hair that fell down her back in a smooth satiny curtain. Her brown eyes were bouncing with liveliness. She had a smallish nose like mine. Her figure was pretty nice-she looked kind of athletic.

            “ . . . sweetest guy I’ve ever met,” she continued. “At first, I really didn’t want to meet him since I always fall for the guys in my miss — I mean in my biology class. Odd, I know.”

            My eyes widened. I could’ve sworn Eliza was about to say mission. Something seemed a bit fishy.

            And I was going to find out what.

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