Chapter 16

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So here's another chapter! I've passed my little writer's block, and I want to scribble everthing down before it fizzes out!! =D Hope you like! So many ideas, so many!! AH!!!! HYPERNESS! xD Ooh, guess what? A girl at my school is reading this! IDK if she wants me to write her name, so I won't, but I want to thank her for reading!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vote?? Comment?? FAN???? =D Thanks!



MARCH 27th 3:51PM . . .

            After school got out, I rushed around the building looking for Alexander. I needed to tell him about Eliza. It didn’t matter if he believed me or not, just as long as he knew. Just so he could be on edge. Then he could protect me. That was his job, right? So why not practice with me?


            “Oh, gosh, sorry! I was just looking for some—Alexander!”

            He pulled me away from him, gripping my shoulders tightly. I blushed. When I’d bumped into him, my head got caught in the crook of his neck, making it look like I was kissing him. My hands had grasped his shirt a bit too tight and my fingers brushed his bare abs causing him to shiver. And to top that off, his arms had been wrapped around me, to catch me. Oh, how I wished that he could clutch me that way again, nice and tight. I fought the blush rising to my face.

            When I’d steadied a bit, he smiled. “Hey, Rose! What’s up?”

            I looked at the ground. “Could we go somewhere more private?” I intensely hoped that he didn’t take it the wrong way. The way I’d want it to be.

            His gorgeous green eyes gazed at me with worry and he nodded cautiously. I grabbed his strong forearm and when we got to the Haunted Stairs, I slid to the ground. Xander’s eyebrows pulled together, and his soft-looking lips pursed, but he sat down next to me. I sighed; it was time to tell him.

            “Umm . . . how was school?” I said, chickening out.

            He rolled his eyes at me and chuckled. Xander knocked my shoulder lightly and urged me to tell him. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes.

            Speaking swiftly, I said, “Wellyourgirlfriendtriedtokillmeintherestroomand—”

            He laughed. “What?! I can’t understand any of that, Rose.”

            My face heated. I decided to come back with a witty retort. “Well, I thought you were part of the YPS? Aren’t you supposed to be all ninja-slash-lightning bolt-fast?”

            He chortled. “Yeah, but . . . wait, how do you know that? I only told you the basics, not how we protected. Are you part of the DTSA?!” His eyes flashed angrily and he leapt up.

            I flinched. “Of course not!”

            “Oh,” he replied calmly, sitting next to me again, “continue then.”

            I rolled my eyes and huffed. He was so moody. “Well I know because . . . because when Eliza went to get me, we took a stop at the restroom, ‘cause she seemed all sad to me.”

            “She was sad?” Alexander interrupted. “Why? Is it because of me? Is it —”

            “SHUT UP!!”

            “What?” He asked, confused.

            It irked me how he kept intruding rudely. I mean, I was trying to tell the guy that his GIRLFRIEND tried to KILL me and wants to kill HIM!! And here he is, wondering if he’s hurting her emotionally. I huffed once more.

            His eyes widened as he realized why I was so frustrated. “Oh, okay. Sorry, continue. I’ll be quiet. I promise.”

            I glanced at him warily, but when he said “promise”, I believed him.

            “Okay. Well, I know because while we were in the restroom . . . Eliza tried to kill me. She had the whole knife and slashing stuff. The only reason I’m here is because some girl walked in, thank God!”

            My mouth started to clamp shut as he glared. I knew he wouldn’t believe me. I saw him ready to explode at me, so mutedly, I said:

            “I didn’t think you’d believe me. It’s obvious you don’t, considering your facial expressions. But I . . . I had to tell you. You were the only one to trust, Xander — I mean, Alexander.”

            I mentally slapped myself; I just let him know my little nickname for him, and it scared me. He didn’t seem like the nicknamey type. I was right. His jaw clenched when I said that.


            “What?” I asked.

            “Go!” He shouted. “Leave me!”

            I stumbled as I stood. His fists were tight, ready to launch. I regained my balance and ran, ran as fast as I could. An angry clatter, followed by a thud, sounded behind and I winced, knowing it was Alexander, hitting something.

            The thought of him angry, not tense scared me. In my dreams, he was always frightened or worried, but now, he was angry, furious! A wind suddenly flew past me, and as I looked up, Alexander’s jacket had just slipped out of the door twenty meters away from me. I shivered; he was so fast.

            My thoughts returned to his fury. I pictured his beautiful face, contorted:

            His green eyes blazed like atomic bomb gas, swirling dangerously. One small movement could trigger the weapon and destroy the world. His full lips would be tight, a nearly invisible line. The hard plains of his face were stiff, nearly robotic. The pale skin of his would look ghastly, sickly. Alexander’s nostrils would flare angrily. His eyes, his angry angry eyes, would be shaded by his eyelashes, as well as squinting. Instead of his hair shining glossily, it would look menacing. Don’t ask me how that’s possible, but I could just imagine it. He would look like a supernatural being, a vampire maybe, rather than a beautiful angel of the supernatural world. I shuddered at the thought.

            He would be furious with me. No longer existed the angel. A demon had surfaced. I wondered how long he would hate me.

            What had I done?

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