Chapter 28

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So HEY!!! this is a new chapter of the protector (DUH NYCOLLE--DONT BEH STUPID! >.<) So yeah...........don't be too disappointed; I wanted to stretch the story out so this chapter might not satisfy you. Well read!!! :D Comment/Fan/Vote!!! Or just ... VOMMANT! (get it?? Hehe :3) Okay, enjoy!!! <3




APRIL 27th 1:29PM . . .

            I raced down the halls blindly, trying to remember where the stairs were. Suddenly, I came crashing into a wall. Groaning, I stood up while profanities slipped out of my lips. A light bulb must’ve appeared over my head after that, because I had remembered where the stairs were.

            Somewhere in the back of my mind, there was a voice thinking how ironic it was for me to remember after bounding into a wall like an idiot. But a bigger part of my mind was wondering why she was crying. My steps sped forward, determined to sooth her pain.

            I turned the corner faster than my head could and collided with Rosalynn. She let out a startled yelp and I caught her, my arms gripping her waist tightly. Rosalynn flinched at the contact and looked up at me slowly. I noticed the relieved sigh escaping her soft pink lips.

            One look at her tiny face answered my questions. She had been crying.

            My fingers gripping her closer to me as a sob burst from her chest.

            “What’s wrong?” I mumbled into her hair, shoving away the urge to add “my love” at the end. A small gasped escaped my lips as I realized what I said . . . but soon, it faded away, leaving a tingly warmth in my chest.

            Rosalynn only let loose more tears. I felt them drench my shirt slowly, but that didn’t matter to me. Who in the world could’ve hurt her so bad that she would be bawling like this? My arms wrapped around her tightly as I cooed sweet nothings into her ear. Slowly, I walked us towards a random pillar and we sank to the ground.

            After a few minutes of watching her grieve eventually stop, she let out a little rueful laugh. I raised an eyebrow at her.

            Rosalynn gripped my shirt. “I got your shirt all wet.”

            I shook that off and hugged her to my chest. “It’s fine.”

            Her thin arms reached to wrap around my waist, but I gripped her shoulders gently and peered into her mournful amber gaze.

            “What happened?” I asked her.



APRIL 27th 1:46PM . . .

            “What’s happened?” Alexander asked me softly, his tone a soothing coo.

            But despite his warm voice, my insides froze and I felt a fire burn my heart to ashes. Two seconds ago, I felt whole but broken. Whole, because Alexander was there, pushing away the pain, comforting me with his sweet words. Broken, because of what K— what he did.

            His callused thumbs brushed the tear stains from my face and his gently hands cupped my face. “What happen, Rosalynn?”

            Ashamed, I turned my head away, breaking out of his grasp.

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