Chapter 23

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Here you guys go! As you guys noticed my writing style is different; I just upload when I feel like it! :D So yeah, enjoy this one, 'cause I made it extra melodramatic! MUAHAHAHA! BTW, Silent Tears by samiluvsyooh is something (if you guys want to/have time) you might want to check out!!



APRIL 4th 6:49PM . . .

            I glided back into the dining room, where people were mingling. Before I could spot Brooke and Richard, Rose came into my sight. My eyes narrowed; that girl got on my nerves!

            A devious smirk crept onto my face as a good-looking guy tried to pull a move on her. I bit back my laughter as Rose pulled away. She was so innocent, goodness, how that made me gag. I bet you the farthest that girl has ever gone was kissing.

            I trailed after Rose as she stalked away from Mr. Handsome. He saw me and raised his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. I winked at him.

            When I caught up to Rose, I grabbed her arm. She spun around, probably ready to snap at Mr. Handsome. But when she saw me, her face paled.

            I smirked; I loved it when people feared me.

            “Eliza . . .” she whispered shakily.

            I smiled calmly. “Act natural, people will wonder why you look so scared.”

            I could see her gulp, but the girl was smart, and went along with my act. She even laughed as if I said something hilarious.

            She tried to pull away, but I tightened my grip on her arm. Rosalynn laughed again, but I could tell it was forced.

            “Make your tone lighter,” I said smiling hugely.

            She giggled, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

            “Better,” I praised.

            I dragged her up the stairs. Mr. Handsome looked at us suspiciously; he’d been following us for quite a while now. I shot him a look that meant give-us-a-sec-we-need-to-make-ourselves-presentable-for-you. He grinned smugly.

            As we got higher, farther away from the crowd, I dropped my smile. My grasp on her arm tightened even more, and I heard her moan in pain.

            “Don’t worry, I’ll take you out,” I said.

            She paled even more, until she matched the white walls. Her fear fed my energy. It’s what us DTSA agents lived off of.

            I finished my sentence, “ . . . of your misery.”

            She stayed silent, trying to be brave. Rosalynn held her chin up high, but the trembling of her hands showed all her fear.

            We kept climbing the spiraling stairs until I found a room dark enough, and far away from the group of people so they wouldn’t hear her screams of agony.

            I shoved her, and she yelped, tripping and landing on her butt. The room was windowless, and completely and utterly dark if I turned the lights off.

            My eyes flickered purple as they adjusted to see the room like it would if it was lit. It was empty, except for a chair in one corner and a desk next to it. This was probably an old study or maybe an old servant’s room.

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