Chapter 14

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Sorry for the late upload! And the other books are kinda slow . . . UGH, I HATE WRITER'S BLOCK!! But I hope you like this chapter!! The next will come in a few minutes! ;] Literally.



MARCH 27th 11:04AM . . .

“Rosalynn?” I asked warily.

            I desperately needed my voice to sound worried. I wanted to get Rosalynn into the girl’s restroom and rid of her. She was a chink in the armor, a flaw in my plan. She was just the type of person Alexander would fall in love with — I mean, I acted just like her when we met. The problem was she wasn’t acting.

            “Hey, Eliza! Do you want to sit with us? . . . Hey what’s wrong?” she asked kindly.

            I shook myself out of my daze. I pouted my lips slightly and glanced at the ground. Immediately, she placed her tray down next to a brunette with ocean-colored eyes and gripped my elbow.

            “Hey, c’mon, you can tell me,” she pestered good-heartedly.

            I closed my eyes after hiding behind my hair. Rosalynn dragged me into the girls’ restroom down the hall. Her kindness touched me. She was so good, like Alexander—no, not like Alexander. I could not allow anymore personal relationships. I had a deadline to meet.

            Rosalynn pushed open the door. She sighed in relief when no was in there. I brought my eyes up to stare at her. She was pretty, and not in the makeup way. She had on no makeup, and yet she pulled off that natural look. I envied her already.

            “What’s wrong, Eliza? Boyfriend trouble?”

            “Rosalynn,” I started.

            She cut me off. “Rose, call me Rose.” Her smile grew as I grinned weakly.

            “Rose,” I half-smiled, “do you think you’ve lived life to it’s fullest?”

            She made a confused, yet amused face. “Uh, yeah? Why do you ask? Is it because you haven’t —”

            I snarled. “Because your life is about to end.”

            Rosalynn laughed. “You’re so funny!”

            I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. My fingers slipped into my back pocket and I yanked out a switchblade. Rosalynn’s amber eyes widened in shock, then fright.

            “Eliza . . . what’re you doing?” she whispered nervously.

            I flipped it, causing the glinty blade to snap out menacingly. She yelped softly, and backed up into the corner. I smirked; she was making this much easier for me. Corner’s were my favorite kill spots.

            “I’m ridding of you. Your existence is interfering with my plans. If you stay, then I’ll never be able to kill Alexander!”

            She gasped, her skin paling. “Alexander?!” Then her face darkened and she grew upset. “Why?! He’s so . . .”

            I chuckled evilly, for I knew that she didn’t know anything about him. She blushed as the realization came to her.

            “Why me? What could I do?”

            I bit back the bile in my mouth. “Alexander can fall in love with you. Hell, I know he will! Then he’ll want to take you away, hidden safely in a little haven for the both of you.”

            I noticed her blushing with satisfaction. She liked him! I glared; I had even more reason to want her dead now!

            My steps were agonizingly slow, but I wanted to make her death dramatic. She slipped a bit to the side, but I darted like a lightning bolt and shoved her back into the corner. Her head ricocheted off the white tiled walls.

            I stood over her, threateningly. She winced and closed her eyes, waiting for the end. I bent over slowly, smirking devilishly. Slowly, I dug the tip of the blade into her throat.

            “Goodbye, Rosalynn.”

            I jerked the blade up . . . But before it could do any fatal damage, the door burst open. In the blink of an eye, I sheathed the blade into my pocket.

            “Ohmigawd,” I squealed, “I’m so sorry, Rose! I didn’t mean to fall on you like that. Are you okay?”

            Her eyes flashed open. She stared at me in fear, but when she saw the girl behind us, she hid it behind a veil. For a second, I saw her debating whether or not to tell the girl. But she was smart, so she kept her mouth shut.

            “I’m fine. Ouch! But I am bleeding!”

            I glanced at her jugular. A dark red bead rolled down her neck.

            I squeaked. “Sorry!! Here, let me help.”

            I grabbed her wrist and yanked her to her feet, a bit roughly. She glanced at her neck in the mirror and dabbed at it.

            After we freshened up, I whispered into her ear, “We’re not done. You will die. If it’s the last thing I do.”

            She shivered and marched to Alexander a bit faster. I grinned, but soon I frowned.

            Shit. She was going to tell him. I groaned; I was going to have to turn my girly way up.

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