iii: half hearted interrogations.

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Kaori stands off to the side, feeling an ache in her legs from jumping and avoiding the Curse — Rika, she corrects herself — various attacks. It seemed like the Curse was aiming at her more than the others, resentful of how close she had stood next to Yuuta while waiting outside, and the power that surrounded her just showed that Yuuta is just as dangerous as the Higher Ups expected. The other First Years glower at Gojo for the lack of warning on the Curse's temper as he explains Rika's origin and starts introducing them one by one. Kaori learns that the girl holding the tool is Zen'in Maki and is surprised that she's actually heard of her in whispers in the servants gossip about a Zenin twin who didn't possess any cursed energy. The light haired boy is an Inumaki, 'Inumaki Toge' as Gojo calls him, with a Cursed Speech that is as dangerous to others as it is dangerous to him, and the creature is simply 'Panda'.

"And this is Fujiwara Kaori, the other transfer student we have!" Gojo gestures to her, and Kaori observes as Inumaki and Maki tense.

"Fujiwara?" Maki repeats, eyes narrowing. As a Zen'in, she must be more than aware of her clan and the threat they pose to the Zen'in Clan who are prosperous but not as powerful as Fujiwara Tooru. "I never knew Fujiwara-san had a daughter," she speaks scathingly, obviously attempting to hurt Kaori, but she returns her gaze with a blank one of her own.

"I suppose he wouldn't be proud of a bastard like me," she speaks bluntly, just as scathingly, and watches an impressed glint appear in the girl's eyes at the harsh way she refers to herself.

"Not many would refer to themselves as that," Gojo is amused, grinning wildly and Kaori purses her lips.

"It is what I am," she answers simply. Even though she is not the blood daughter of Tooru, she is his ward and has heard herself being referred to as such numerous times. It was always the Higher Ups and Tooru himself, always reminding herself of her place at the bottom of the hierarchy. There was no need for them to do so, really. When was Kaori treated with even a little bit of respect? Even the servants who dusted the fireplaces and scrubbed the pans got smiles from Tooru while Kaori slit throats and killed for him only to receive an apathetic look as a reward. In a way, that look was preferable to the small, private smiles he gave her when the Higher Ups would be particularly difficult. Those smiles would light up her life, making her think that her life with Tooru wasn't as bad as she expected. 'I am lucky to have Fujiwara Tooru,' she tells herself sternly, standing straight as the traitorous thought draws itself into her mind.

"Now that our First Year class is settled, let's get cracking! Toge and Panda in one pair, Maki, Yuuta and Kaori in another!" Maki looks displeased at being grouped with Yuuta, lips in a thin line as they disperse out of the classroom. Yuuta senses her distaste and tries his best to approach her.

"Um, I really hope we can work together," he says timidly. Maki doesn't speak for a few moments, but when she opens her mouth her words are lined with a sneer.

"You were bullied, I can totally tell," Yuuta looks stricken at the statement. "I take it from that lame reaction I'm right. I totally get it. I'd bully you too. Maybe it's because you're Cursed. It's written all over your face that you're trying to come off as a goody two shoes. It's sickening," her voice grows in volume as she gets more worked up. "Why are you acting as the victim when you're the one being protected? I bet you've been passive your whole life. Believe me, Jujutsu High isn't going to be that easy. You're going to have to step up to make it,"

"Maki, that's enough," Panda says sharply, Inumaki agreeing. Maki glances back at them, scowling.

"Okay, fine. Get off my case," she grumbles, turning back around, walking ahead of them. Panda places a reassuring hand on Yuuta's shoulder.

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