Chapter 1: Not who it seems

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Fist were flying, causing destruction on a magnitude unlike any other. Rocks and mountains reduce to mere pebbles, if not sand, or lesser.

Follow by ki blast from on fighter, unleashing a volley that cause a massive crater. A forceful push, the fighter clear the dust, Son Goku, with a cheeky smirk, wiping his cheek.

In the air Vegeta snarl, "Don't get cocky with me Kakarrot!" He unleash a Galick Gun at his rival.

Goku dodging the ki blast with minor difficulty, he flip, picking up a small rock, "I picked this one up from Krillin!"
He tossed it at Vegeta's face, who caught it with ease.

"A rock. What this-"

Using instant transmission, he teleported behind Vegeta, kicking him down to the ground, the two continue their scuffle on the ground. Each parrying the other blow without breaking a sweat. Smiling while the sparring match goes on, Vegeta stomp the ground, screaming, his Ki leveling everything, Goku soon follow after.

"Ready or not," Goku says playfully, "Here- I Come!"

"Oh shut up!" Vegeta replied.

The two lunge at each other, so fast that they cause enormous shock wave tearing up the planet surface. That the epicenter of the clash, a bright flash of light, the energy rendering it entire planet to nothing more hand hunks of rocks.

At that moment, the two fighter were teleported to Beerus' planet, where Whis greeted them cheerfully.

"You two are getting significantly stronger, your Ki was true the roof. And you all did that in your base form to."

"Of course, that's nothing for the likes of the Prince of all the Sayians after all." Vegeta stood up, puffing out his chest confidently, "Soon I will have my own planet as well, and I shall name it.." he pause, processing a suitable name for his new planet.

"Oh oh." Goku raise his hand, hopping, "You can call it Trunks, since your father named planet Vegeta after you."

"No you fool, I will name it something of my own volition." He cross his arm, standing proud, "Eventually. Now where is that cat."

Whis points to a hill in the distance, Beerus, laying in the shade of a tree, snoring on his lawn chair he had taken from visiting earth. He was dreaming away, while the trio stood besides him, Goku shook his head, while Vegeta scowl.

"Never have I thought someone with such power can be such a sloth."

Goku pick up on his rival statement, "Wait, did you just admit someone is stronger than you?"

"I did. At my current rate I will surpass him, as I have surpass you Kakarrot."

"Ooouu" Whis began to blush, "Do you two want a rematch? There is another planet Lord Beerus have to destroy that I can let you two can spar on."

Goke rubbing his stomach, "I wouldn't mind, right after some grub."

"Sure thing, I will-" Whis froze.

At that same moment Beerus got out of his slumber, ready to fight. The Sayians were confused at to what had taken place, one moment he was asleep alert, ready to fight. Fight what, they had no clue, they looked around for any possible threats, none had shown themselves. Which worried Goku, he could sense the danger, his eyes dart around looking for anything out of the ordinary.

"You feel it as well Lord Beerus?" Whis ask

Beerus stood there, "A boom tube", his fist shaking, this concern Vegeta.

"What the heck is that, and what's up with Lord Beerus." he thought "Can't tell if he is angry....or afraid. Never seen him like this before."

"Whis!" Beerus shout, "Take me to where it is !"

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