Chapter 12: Weighing our Priorities

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Some moments earlier.

Vegeta fighting a couple of droids that Brainiac made, fighting over another city. He tore one in half and tossed its legs at its friend, he then send a blast of Ki that them causing them to blow up.

"Insects, your leader is such a coward, afraid to face me when I am ready." The prince scowl, he yerns for a rematch, to beat the snot out of it and show him true power.

He flew to Satan City, to meet back up with the rest of them to see how things were going. If he can dismantle two bots so easily, they shouldn't have any problems. He wanted to fight that sudden surge of energy that popped up,   but it was darting all over the planet, but it settled at the north pole. He scoffed, knowing that those he care about aren't anywhere close to it, but he should check on them just in case.

Just then a strange-looking droid came after him, Vegeta wasn't interested in a lengthy fight, so he power up into a super Saiyan god. "Leave me alone worm!" He felt disgusted that he has to use this form on weaklings, he then rushed, about to punch it into oblivion, but the stopped the blow, blasting him it its eyes laser.

He wasn't hurt by the blast, but he was surprised to be knocked back, and by its sudden increase in durability. The two begin to scrap for a while, the Saiyan mocking the droid for being so weak, and it will never see the heights of his power. He punched hard enough to crash into the ground, but then it fly away towards the Satan City.

Its speed was incredible, but Vegeta caught up with it, just then it flipped, landed on top of a tree then shot its laser at Vegeta's eyes. "Arggg" he cried, he then into some sort of crater. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the temporary blindness, he noticed he was in a massive crater, really massive. This confused the Saiyan, did he cause this? no, he thought, can't be him.

The surface was smooth, which meant this was precise, he blinked some more, finally clearing up his vision. He felt a sweltering heat come upon him, that is when he can sense energy once again. "Why there are so many people on the spot?" he wondered, that when the Saiyan realized he is the city, where it once was. He felt his daughter's sadness, his son was unconscious, maybe that's the reason why she was crying, he wonder if that thought droid was the cause of this.

Listening in to the cries, how the people talk about the city begin to vaporize, who didn't make it. Vegeta soon realizes he didn't sense Bulma, he wondered where is she, tried all he might, his vision may be better but it still was messed up.

It dawned on him, that his wife, is gone. "No, no it can't be." Vegeta gaped into the ground, twitching with anger, and rage begins to build inside of him. "That thing, that cat didn't kill it. No, I shouldn't have relied on him, I knew there was danger and I failed to act. This is my fault." At that moment, he reel back and roared, "THIS IS MY FAULT!!"

His ki spiked, causing him to float up, when Goku and Goten stood at the end of the crater, looking on at him, Goten asking his father about what was going on, but Goku knew that was bound to happen. So he floats towards his rival.

"Kakkarot!" He said, "That creature when I find it, I will make it suffer, then reduce it to ash the same way it did to my Bulma."

Goku understood his rage, but he didn't want him to be angry at this crucial moment, so he gave him the news, "Bulma isn't dead, she was taken by that thing."

This mellowed Vegeta down a bit, it was good to hear that she isn't dead, but she could be if he doesn't act fast, "Where is it, where did it go?! I have to save Bulma before anything happens to her!"

"I understand you want to save Bulma, I do too. But right now we have to take care of these people." Goku pointed to the refugee camp that was set up.

Vegeta grunts.

"Right now, people are suffering, no homes, and by the end of the day no food. Not to mention this heat, I don't know what the cause of it but I can feel, might not be much for you and me, but for them, who knows."

"What exactly are you going to do Kakkarot? We will be wasting time helping these people with no gain." He grabbed Goku by his collar and pulled him closer, "If we go save Bulma now, she can come up with something to help."

"She left ration capsules, yes, but if we go save her who knows how long that would take, might just come back to a dead world."

"Fine, suit yourself." He pushed Goku away, then turn his back to him, "You go play hero, I am going for Bulma-"

Goku snapped at him, "What about your children Vegeta! Huh!"

The Saiyan Prince is so caught up with his single-minded mission, his daughter, and his son. He looked over his shoulder at Goku, telling himself he can save Bulma fast enough and bring her back.

"You going to abandon them and go fight this thing by yourself while they suffer that home? Shame on you! They need you more than ever."

Vegeta fully turns to face his rival.

"We're always training off-world, but at least we know our kids had their mothers and our friends looking out for them. Now we don't have that luxury."

The Prince scoffed, "Hmmm you have a point. But as soon as we solve this problem I am heading for Bulma, no amount of your sappy talk is going to stop me."

Goku smirks, then nods, "Alright, I sent Goten to find the stash, you and I can make an underground cave system that can protect these people from the heat. I remember the Gohan telling me that it's much cooler underground. Have to make it big enough for the capsules to go off safely."

"What about the dragon balls?" Asked Vegeta, "Wouldn't that help?"

"I talked about that, but through Bulla's crying she said his mother has four"

"Which leaves three remaining."

Goku dismissed the idea, telling him that they have to see about this first and then go on a hunt. Vegeta didn't want to agree, he thought about going for them, but that brings up his problem with getting Bulma. He then thought maybe that's the creature's plan, for them to get the dragon balls and bring them for it. He hesitates to answer but ultimately agrees with Goku on this one.

With that Vegeta flies to the camp, while Goku teleports to Goten.

Just then, Yamcha appears before Yajirobe, who was shirtless on a lawn chair.

"Sup Yamcha is it me or this place roasting."

"No time!" Yamcha shouted, "I need senzu beans, now!"

Yajirobe was startled by his friend's sudden urgency, "Sorry, I gave all to Krillin when he came by earlier."

Yamcha exclaimed, "All?! There has to be some you still have, even a piece."

Telling him what had played out between him and the bald head man, Yajirobe apologises. All Yamcha did was grunt, he asked where Krillin was, only for Yajirobe to shrug.

Gently laying the husk, Yamcha dashed inside in a flash and came out kneeling before the husk. "This is all I can find buddy, eat up." It is hand was a crumb of senzu bean, opened the husk's mouth, and the sound of burnt flesh, just send chills down Yajirobe's back.

Just then the husk coughed, and the blacken flash made way from the skin. It was healing but was slow, Yamcha then dashed again, coming back with bandages, "It's going to hurt a bit, this is to protect the wounds." The husk float up and came back down wrapped neatly in dressings. Yamcha came to a stop, and then planted his butt on the floor.

Concern, Yajirobe "You don't look too good Yamcha, what's going on?"

"I don't even know where to start. Look after him for me, I am going to get Krillin, along with the rest of them." He got up dusting himself off, and then thought about his next move, he wanted to save energy, and after that feat, he pulled off today, he looked up to the sky, as he watch how strange it seem now. "Something big is happening, I sense it. This isn't even the beginning."

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