Chapter 2: Earth matters

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On earth, a young man was sitting under a tree meditating, his breath slow deep, with a swift exhale. He hop to his feet then shout, "Alright! Let's do this!" He then disappear for a few seconds, and reappear. Storm like winds rush pass, almost up rooting the tree he stood under.

"How was that? Fast wasn't it?" He says with excitement, "Soon I just might reach light speed. Just might be as fast as dad. What you say Gohan?"

"Yeah~" Gohan drag, scratching the back of his head, "You're faster alright, but you're no where close to light speed."

Goten stood there in shock at his brother statement, "How so, I am pretty fast. Heck, I bet I am light speed."

"Well you only made one lap around the world in second." Gohan reply, "However light can go around the world 7.5 times in that same time. Again you're much faster than before, one or two laps around the planet is pretty fast."

They both turn to the collateral caused by their experiment, Gohan wince, while his brother was smiling the whole time.

"Yeah, but I want to get fast, and strong. That way I can get the blue hair like dad."

"That's going to be a lot more tricky to get than you think. Dad situation is special at best."

"Oh well.."

At Capsule Corp, Bulma working away on one of her new inventions. What is it this time, a training dummy.

"That jerk." She grumble while tightening a bolt, "Training, training, I will give him something so powerful to train with. Mark my words this will, know him senseless."

Trunks look at his mother with confusion, he thought of how he could have better spend his time with Goten. "Being grounded sucks", he thought, "it was just a prank. Everything else was their fault."

In that instant, his father, along with his rival, the god of destruction and the angel appears.

"Wow!" He shouts, startle at their sudden entrance, then notice his father unconscious state, which filled him with dread, "Dad! Is he ok? What happened to the both of them?!"

Happening to catch Bulma attention, she wasn't as shock as her son, "If it isn't the jerk, sour puss, and knuckle head." She says, pointing at them with her wrench. "What brings you here all of a sudden? Which I don't mind the company."

"Enough talk, I am hungry. Make me a meal." Beerus demand, folding his arms. He lift his head in disgust, then yawn loudly.

This annoy Bulma, who then started waving her wrench, "Listen here. Don't come here demanding food whenever without any manners. If that's all you came here for then get lost. And leave Vegeta." She then toss her wrench at the unconscious Sayian, "Wake up! I don't want blood all over the floor."

"She seems ticked off lord Beerus." Whis comments.

The God of Destruction yawn once again, scratching his chest, "That's her base mood. It doesn't concern me in anyway. You, young Sayian!" His eyes rest on Trunks, who was tending to the unconscious Sayians, "Fetch me some of your tastiest food, at this moment. Meet me at the pool. Make it snappy."

" dad. He's unconscious, just going to-"

Beerus snap, "Did I ask about your father well being? No. Whis will see about them, which shouldn't be much."

"Yeah! Don't talk to my son like that you sour puss!" Bulma got up in the cat face, then punch him in the gut. He didn't react, he just looked at her with indifference.

Trunks and Whis watch this display of deviance, the young Sayian was preparing himself to defend his hot headed mother. He then consider nothing of the matter, but knew very well that the god of destruction doesn't take disrespect lightly.

"I will get your food at once!" Declare Trunks, he lift both Goku and his father on his shoulder, and ran out of the room, Beerus scoff, and left the room behind the young one, Whis tailing behind him, who wave at Bulma while he float out.

Bulma went back to her thinkering, a smidge of concern for her husband made itself evidence, she stop what she was doing. "Maybe I should check up on him?" convincing herself, then she continues her work, "Nah, he must be exhausted from training. Training! That's all her does, let him sit with that pain for a while. That what he deserves."

Trunks drop the two in the medbay, quickly hooking them up to some machine. He then raced out the room to head to the kitchen, he got the food that Beerus ask for, placing it on the table where the God usually sit. Then race back to the medbay to see about his father.

Beerus sit down, rubbing his hands together, smelling the food. "Hmmmm, smells delicious, looks delicious." He picks up a piece of meat, and swallow it whole, "Taste delicious too. Lovely." He wolf down all that lay before him.

Back at the medbay, Vegeta was the first to gain back his bearings, his body sore from the beat down he had received. The light of the room blind him for a moment, his eyes soon adjust. "Hmmm, where am I?"

Trunks reply, "You're in the medbay, along with Goku."

Vegeta turn to his side, he look at Goku who was snoring loudly. He seems unbothered by what had taken place early, which annoy him.

"What happened?" Trunks inqure, "You two look pretty banged up. Was it lord Beerus?"

"That cat." He mutter, "That cat. He... He was afraid of whatever that creature was. But it wasn't that strong. If anything, it was weaker than expected..."

Trunks wonder if his father was losing his mind, he keep on talking to himself for quite a while. "What was weaker than expected?"

Vegeta snap out of his daze, he look at his son, who had a face that concern him just as much as he was concern for his father. The boy look at him as if he was mad, going insane even, "I am fine Trunks, I just want some answers from that cat. Say, do you know where he is?"

His son nod, "He's eating now. At the table."

"Best I hurry," says Vegeta, hopping to his feet. His knees buckled, almost falling over. The creature had done a number on him he thought, but it got lucky, next time they cross paths, whenever they do. He will destroy it.

Propping up his father on his shoulder, Vegeta shrug off his son attempts, "Thanks, you have done well my son." Trunks in his head, messing up his hair, "Take me to take cat. We must hurry before he goes to sleep!"

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