Chapter 3: Answer me now, cat!

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Vegeta and Trunks made there way to the pool, where a greedy Beerus was eating his last plate. His belly stood tall with all the meals, the plates stack atop one another, fill with scraps and bones. He belch loudly, so loud it shook the entire compound. Bulma in her lab look up in disbelief, believing that they are sparring again.

"Those guys never know when to quit." She snark, flipping down her goggles and continuing to weld.

"Have you no manners cat!" The prince storm toward Beerus, who was picking his teeth with a claw.

"I was expecting the other one to get up first." Comment Whis, "It seems I have lost the bet Lord Beerus."

Beerus stretch his arms widely, place them behind his head, kicking his feet up on the table. "I am never wrong Whis, that's is the genius of I, Beerus, God of Destruction."

Vegeta, slams his hands in the table,"Save it, cat. I want answers, what was that display earlier today? Either you were angry, or down right terrified of whatever that creature was. Mind telling me your history with it, this moment."

"You're lucky Sayian. You're lucky my stomach is full, and that I am satisfied with my meal. Or else I would of sent you to the ninth planet of your wretched solar system."

Whis added, "I don't think they consider Pluto a planet Lord Beerus."

"It's not? Then why they want me to destroy it then?"

"Well it's technically a dwarf planet."

"What's the difference? A planet is a planet. A big stink hunk of rock that floats in space."

"Enough!" Interrupt Vegeta, the two look at him, Beerus with a glare, Whis with glee. "Tell me what is your history with that creature!?"

"To tell you the truth Sayian." Beerus sighs, rubbing his stomach like a fortune teller, "I have no history with that worthless creature."

There was silence between them all, the stillness fill the air, Trunks stare at his father, who's jaw was gapping. His eye twitch, his hands balled up into fist, he was the one to break the calm.

"Nonsense!" The prince roar, "Stop playing with me cat. You were shaking back on your planet. Very few things forces you to take action, which means whatever that creature was most certainly meant something. Enough for you to get off your lazy butt. Tell me am I wrong?"

"Like I said. That creature and I have no history. No more questions, you're giving me a headache."

"What!? You expect me to leave it at that?" Vegeta then smirk, "I suppose that creature defeated you all those years ago, and you are ashamed to admit that."

Beerus shot up to his feet, standing on the table pointing at his chest, "Defeat, who? Me? That lowlife being can never defeat me, not yesterday, today nor tomorrow. Heck, not even in it's wildest fantasy. It doesn't even concern me, I only remember it because you brought it up!"

Whis chime in, "Lord Beerus, I think Vegeta has a point."

Vegeta and Beerus turn their attention to the angel, one was shock while the other intrigued.

"How so Whis?"

"See, he thinks I am on to something."

"Shut up! Get on with it Whis."

Whis clear his throat, then spoke, "That creature just might have some relation with him. Remember it did come from a Boomtube after all, so who's to say it's not one of his making?"

The God of Destruction stood up right, he pace along the table, processing what the angel has just said. He then stop, his ears perk up, "Maybe. But why would he send something so weak. It didn't even scratch me."

"Remember, he is a schemer after all. Must has something in store for us, and just send that as a distraction. Throwing us off, making us think that he had gotten weaker."

Beerus smirk, his grin widen, revealing his sharp fangs, then burst out laughing loudly, so loud that shook the compound. He snap his fingers, "He is welcome to try, if he think his plan is going to follow through as intended, he has to think again."

"What's a Boomtube?" Trunks quiz.

The crew had forgotten the child was in their presence, even Vegeta was swept up with the dialogue, he to had consider on asking that question as well.

"It's just some inter- dimensional portal." retort Beerus, he gesture it's not too big of a deal.

Whis brought up an image of a Boomtube for the young Sayian, "Yes it is an inter- dimensional portal. But not only can it be used for transportation, it is used for size alteration." A diagram then apart with a massive begin, "Big creatures like this, if they use a normal inter dimensional portal, they would remain their same size. And would be either massive, or tiny depending on their destination." The diagram then demonstrate this for the young Sayian. Vegeta as well, his interest was locked on the display.

"However." Whis add, "A Boomtube, always insure that the being matches the size of that given destination. So say that I am a big creature, going into a small universe, it will shift my size to match that universe."

"I would suppose the creature that was on the other end of this *Boomtube* was massive?" Vegeta cross his arms, "I refuse to believe that Lord Beerus was terrified of an insect."

Beerus wasn't sure to be angry at the Sayian statement, or prideful. He was annoyed that the topic as still going on for much longer than her like. So he sat back down in his chair, "I had enough of this, don't wake me up."

"Come on lord Beerus, wouldn't you want to tell them of your victory against your foe."

"I wouldn't call that a victory Whis. And no, we shall not speak of such."

"I guess I was right then."says Vegeta, teasing Beerus, "That creature must have beaten you so badly you don't want to talk about it huh. What happened cat, can't admit defeat?"

"It wasn't a defeat either! It was a stalemate. A much needed one at best. For if our war had raged on anymore, your wretched planet, along with the rest in the universe, would be nothing more than a thought. Dust."

Vegeta was taken back to all the times the universe was threaten, and how close it came to destruction. The way Beerus talked about this battle made him wonder, exactly how powerful is this foe, and why would they need a portal to change their size upon entering their universe.

"Who is this person you speak of?" He ask.

No response, only snoring. Beerus had fallen fast asleep within that moment, this piss off the prince, who curse under his breath, "lazy cat."

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