Chapter 15: Just what we need

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Survivors huddle in the underground cave that Vegeta made, he made sure for certain that his children are in comfort. By now Trunks had woken up from his slumber, now fuming and disappointed in himself. He was supposed to protect his mother, now whatever it was had her, and worse yet it almost killed his sister. The boy did everything in his power to avoid his father, as he knows for sure, he would have been just as disappointed.

Luckily his father's hands were full with responsibility not only to look after his now sadden daughter but also a restless crowd. They asked for so much, which the prince didn't have, they begged for food, water and family members were about, the first thing that flashed in his mind was his father and how he would deal with a situation like this. He pictured him barking orders and people saluting and following suit. But these people aren't Saiyans, nor do they see him as nobility. Then he remembered what Bulma told him about humans, that they are simple dumb creatures, just tell them what they need to hear and everything will go along smoothly.

He grunt, then nodded, "Alright, listen up!" He cleared his throat, and placed Bulla on her feet, the girl grabbed her father's leg hiding behind it while the crowd gathered around him, "I don't have a clue what's going on, but whining and sobbing are not going to get anything done. First things first, need water, now I know up there is hot, but while I was in the crater, I noticed some pipes still have water gushing, I will see how best I can redirect them closer. I would be needing some of you to deal with that when it's done. As for food, there will be capsules coming eventually, so you would not have to worry about that for a while."

The crowd begin muttering, and then one spoke up, "How long are we going to be down here?"

"Ah well..." He responded.

Another then shouted, "What about my brother? He isn't here with us."

"Did that laser cause that heatwave?" A voice cried

"I was right, capsule corp will destroy the city!"

They grew restless once again, this time targeting the Saiyan. It threw him off a bit, but he felt Bulla's grip tighten around his legs, he knew exactly what needed to be said. "I lost someone too!"

This silenced the crowd.

He continued, "That someone meant a lot to me. Do you know how it feels knowing that you could have stopped it and you weren't there, or you were too late? But I know that someone would have helped you all if they were here, much better than I am doing. However, I realised that is a mistake, I have faced powerful foes by myself and lost, but with teamwork, together. No matter how long this thing lasts, we at least endure it as one. So are you with me?"

They were quiet for a moment, then one began to clap, then another, until the whole crowd begin applauding. This stroked the Saiyan ego, he imagine that his father is looking down on him, approving of his leadership, with this he began to bark orders to get their camp in order. Trunks moved by his father's speech, flew in and hugged him, he knew for certain there was no bad blood.

"I am sorry dad, it's my fault mom got kidnapped." He said, pressing his face into his father's clothes to hide his tears.

Vegeta pulls him off and drops to his knee, "No Trunks, this is my fault. If I trained you personally you would have been strong enough to protect your mother and sister." He turn to Bulla then said, "Both of you, would have been there to protect her. But right now we have to protect these people, that is what she would have done. Let's make her proud. Now heard my orders, get to it!"

Trunks salute and flew off to do his part, Bulla asked, "What about me?"

"You young lady will be helping me." He picked her up and placed her on his shoulder, "Let's get them some running water."

In the crowd, Android 18 was carrying a huge beam, that when Krillin flew into the cave.

"What's going on here? First, crazy robots started swarming a city, then some giant octopus starts shooting lasers at me, and now the city is underground. What a day? By chance are you ok? And how is Marron?"

"I am fine dear. As you can see I am busy." She kisses him on his sweaty forehead, "As for Marron, she went to help Bulla and Vegeta with getting a water source."

"Wait Vegeta is here? Good, I can give him this bag of senzu beans, and what about Goku?"

"He was here earlier, along with the rest of them."

"Ok, well where is Bulma? I got something for her." Krillin pulled out a four-star dragon ball from his pocket, "I know she was collecting them again, not sure for what reason this time."

"Goten told me that she was kidnapped by that octopus you saw."

Krillin was shocked to hear the news, "What?! Damnit! Wait." He turn to see Vegeta's mood, however, the Saiyan was long gone, "uhh, does he know, I mean does Vegeta know."

"Yes he does, he took it well, but he was about to explode earlier. Goku calmed him down, now I have to get back to building our shack. Talk to you later dear."

Krillin was still in shock at the news, more so that Vegeta calmed down so easily. In the back of his mind, he is expecting him to blow a fuse at some point, but what Goku could have possibly told him to calm down. However he was in the dark with a lot of stuff, so he should catch up with what was going on to be on the same page. Just as he was about to leave to meet up with Vegeta, Yamcha appears before him.

"Krillin! Gimme the senzu beans now!"

"Huh?! Yamcha, you don't look to"

Before he can finish his sentence, his friend disappears as quickly as he came. But he took the whole bag of senzu beans, which confused him. One sinus bean would be enough for his injuries, he thought Yamcha was being greedy, so he did his best to trail after him, which proved to be difficult to his surprise, then he sense something coming from space.

Meanwhile, Goku was helping out another city, having much more trouble than Vegeta, since the people don't speak his language. Just then she sense an energy coming his way, which bothered him, "Way now," he muttered as he look up to the unnatural-coloured sky.

Vegeta was supervising his daughter and Marron, using this task as some sort of training, that when he sense the energy as well, he scowled, and muttered, "Scum." He then ordered the girls to head to safety, he has an uninvited guest to take care of. He powered up to Super Saiyan Blue and shot up to the heavens.

Meanwhile, in space, Superman and Frieza were bickering at one another.

"Are you sure this is where the earth is?" Superman asked.

Frieza snapping back, "I am certain, I assure you I am not carrying us to a waste space unlike you."

"I told you, that where the earth was in my universe."

"Then your earth must be the most disgusting one yet."

"Yeah yeah..."

Frieza then added, "I swear, all earthlings just have this disgusting smell, along with those stupid Saiyans. Which is why I destroyed their planet, it made the universe a much fresher place, now some reside on earth they smell even worse."

Superman rolled his eyes at his comments, wishing they reach the planet sooner so he can shut up, "There must be some powerful heroes there for you not to destroy it as of yet."

"Powerful?" He gagged at Superman's statement, "Those earthlings have no idea how merciful I was to them, to spare their world from my wrath."

"You don't seem like the merciful type."

"I assure you, it bore me to even-"

He got smacked away, flying into the moon. Then again, followed beam to his chest, Frieza got up ready to fight, asking "Who dears challenge the Almighty, All-powerful, Lord"

"Shut up!" The attacker shouted, "This is a bad time for you to show up here." Through the smoke, Vegeta emerges, fired up. "But you know what, I don't mind you coming, now I have something to let off some steam."

He bolted toward Frieza, with nothing but blind fury.

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