Chapter 9 - Denial

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   When I get to work the next day, I go straight to my work station and try my best to not let Mr. Urgancıoğlu see me. As the lunch hour gets closer, I begin to start contemplating what to do. I can't go outside the office area or Poyhaz will ask me to eat with him again, but I can't stay in the office, or Mr. Urgancıoğlu will ask me to eat with him. I grunt in frustration and rest my chin in my hands. Suddenly, I get a text from Defne asking if I want to meet her for lunch. Yes! Now I will have a honest excuse to tell you Mr. Urgancıoğlu in order to get out of having to eat lunch with him. As if on cue, Mr. Urgancıoğlu walks out of his office and asks me if I would like to go and eat lunch with him. Smiling shyly, I respond, "I'm really sorry Mr. Urgancıoğlu, but I actually have a date to eat with one of my friends for lunch." He seems a little disappointed, but accepts my denial to his offer. I feel a bit guilty now. However, I know it was a good thing that I decided to meet up with Defne instead.

"He said what?!", Defne practically screams. Pleading with her to calm down I respond, "It's not that big a deal Defne. All he said was that he has feelings for more." With raised eyebrows, she retorts, "Yeah, and no less. Girl! Your boss has a crush on you, and the fact that his jealousy is what pushed him to tell you. I'm speechless." I snort at her comment and roll my eyes. She continues, "Go ahead...act like you don't care. However, I know you better than you think. Deep down I know that you are blushing at the fact that your freaking millionaire boss has feelings for you." "Saying millionaire makes it sound like I'm happy because he's rich," I say. "Oh! So you admit to being happy about it," she states rather than asks. "No...I did not say that! Besides, I'm sure he's not the man for me. My future significant other is probably still out there," I protest. "My dear, if you don't take this chance with Mr. Urgancıoğlu, then the only other man that you might catch is one that works as a night manager at McDonald's... Wendy's if your lucky. I mean this is the nicest way possible. Besides, what the worst that could happen? You two become an item, three months from now you realize that things won't work out in the long run, and you go your separate ways," she says rather confidently. Giving her a 'seriously' expression, I explain, "Yeah, we go our separate ways and I loose my job." She sighs deeply and replies, "Y/N, always the pessimist." "I prefer realist," I retort sarcastically. Defne laughs and we both take a sip of wine out of our glasses. After much begging, I agree to let Defne walk back to work with me. When we reach my floor, I try to keep her in the elevator, but she pushes past me and enters the area. Slightly frustrated, I catch up with her and beg her to please just leave before Mr. Urgancıoğlu sees her. That was the worst thing I could tell her, because her eyes sparkle and ask with excitement, "Oh? Already keeping everyone else away from your man?" Before I can stop her from saying anything else, I hear Mr. Urgancıoğlu ask, "Who's man?" Closing my eyes and praying that he did not hear anything else, I turn to face him. "No one's. I'm so sorry for making a disturbance Mr. Urgancıoğlu. My friend...was just leaving." Defne snickers under her breath and backs up my statement, "Yes...I was just leaving. It was nice meeting you Mr. Urgancıoğlu." As she walks back towards the elevator, she gives me a playful wink. I roll my eyes back at her and watch as the elevator door close. As soon as it does, Mr. Urgancıoğlu says, "Your friend is a very smart girl." I turn around and look at him confused. "What do you mean by that?", I ask. He walks up closer to me and I nervously look around us to make sure no one is watching. "Because she is accepting something you're trying to deny," he explains. My heart beat quickens and I can feel my cheeks start to blush. I walk past him and head to my office.

Mr. Urgancıoğlu

I will be honest, I was really disappointed when Y/N said she was going to eat lunch with someone else other than me. The entire lunch hour I kept myself busy with work in order to not think to much about it. Around twelve fifty, I decided to go and get some coffee from the break room. On my way back to my office, I see Y/N chasing one of her friends. They are headed towards me, so I hide behind the wall of the break area. I hear Y/N beg her friend to leave before I see her. "Oh? Already keeping everyone else away from your man?", her friend asks sarcastically. It's then that I decide to show myself before Y/N hurts me by saying she only thinks of me as her boss. "Who's man?", I ask as if I had not heard the rest of the conversation. Y/N's eyes are filled with shock, but in typical Y/N fashion, she hides it well under her poker face. Looking angrily at her friend she responds, "No one's. I'm so sorry for making a disturbance Mr. Urgancıoğlu. My friend...was just leaving." Her friend leaves shortly after. In an effort to keep her from brushing off her friend's statement, I remark that her friend is very smart. My plan works, and she looks at me with furrowed eyebrows and inquires as to what I meant. As I move closer to her, she looks around at the other few employees in the area. Her eyes move back to mine when I say, "Because she is accepting something you're trying to deny." Those chubby baby cheeks of hers begin to blush and I can tell the gears are spinning I'm her mind. After a while, she walks pass me and goes into her office. I laugh slightly at her innocence. It's actually quite fun having to work for Y/N's trust and affection. For too long I've had women basically throw themselves at me. Sure, it's flattering, but also supper annoying. However, with Y/N, the rolls have been reversed.

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