Chapter 21 - Strike Three

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I pace back and forth by the foyer as I wait for Kaan and Mr. Aslan to finish their meeting. To be honest, I am worried, because I know this is the last place that Kaan wants to be. "Excuse me but I don't think I caught your name earlier," I hear a female voice say from behind me. It's Elif. I clear my throat and say, "Oh, it's Y/N." She snickers, as she walks up to me slowly. "Keep your poor self away from my man. This is your one and only warning," she whispers to me. Just then, the door to the room where Kaan and Mr. Aslan are opens then slams shut. Both Elif and I snap our heads in that direction and see Kann walking over to us. Elif looks back at me, before walking away. Right when Kaan reaches me, he grabs my arm and walks us out of the house.


Kaan and I are currently in the car on our way back to his place. I want to ask what happened, or at least say something to ease the tension. However, I decide against it. Finally, we reach Kaan's home. I get out to stretch and take a deep breath of the clean air. Suddenly, Kaan grabs a hold of my arm again and pulls us into the house. "Let go of me Kaan," I yell, while trying to twist my arm out of his hold. The minute we enter the house, Kaan shuts the door and pushes me against it. "Didn't I tell you to choose your words more wisely?", he asks angrily. "And didn't I tell you that you are not in charge of me at all times?" I snap back at him. A smirk comes across his face, and then he picks me up and throws me across his shoulder. I kick my legs aggressively and yell for him to put me down. He doesn't though. He just continues to walk up the stairs. We enter his room, and he shuts the door, before throwing me onto the bed. His blackout curtains make the room pitch black. I sit up and try to run, but am roughly pushed back onto the bed. Before I can recover, I hear Kaan say sternly, "Stop fighting me Y/N." The tone of his voice causes me to freeze. It's not angry, yet not gentle either. As I lay there, I feel the bed sink on either side of my legs and by my head. I know Kaan is on top of me. My heart rate increases, and the blood rushing to my head allows me to hear every beat of my heart as though I am wearing headphones. Suddenly, I feel one of Kaan's hands slip under my blouse and run up the side of my torso. My body shivers to his touch, and my toes curl. I have to fight my will and follow my intellect at this point. "K-Kaan...get off of me," I try to tell him as firmly as possible. Both of his hands suddenly grab hold of my hips and I hear him whisper into my ear, "Strike three." At that point, I knew I had seriously messed up.

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