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Thunderstorm's P.O.V :

Thunderstorm(thoughts) : I've been unconscious for a while...This "Reverse Thunderstorm" guy is kind of strange to me...

Reverse!H : Hm? What's so strange about me?

Thunderstorm : ...! How the hell did you hear my thoughts?

Reverse!H : I'm in YOUR mindspace, of course I would be able to hear your thought s

Thunderstorm : Were in my mindspace??

Reverse!H : Huh? You didn't know?

Thunderstorm : Of course not, dumbass I wouldn't be asking if I knew.

Reverse!H : Wow. Your Harsh

Thunderstorm :  I'm the lightning element, what did you expect?

Reverse!H : Right....forgot that all of the elements have a specific emotion.

Thunderstorm : What about you then?

Reverse!H : Hm?

Thunderstorm : You're my Reverse right? If I have a Reverse then how about the others?

Reverse!H : I left them.

Thunderstorm : What do you mean by you 𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘵?

Reverse!H : Left them to suffer by themselves.

Thunderstorm : How the hell can you do such a thing!? Your the oldest sibling!

Reverse!H : You're protective of YOUR siblings. But I am your opposite, I left my siblings since they were too annoying to handle. I don't like being the oldest. They all have to rely on me and it's very irritating.

Thunderstorm : ...

Reverse!H : Why so quiet? 

Thundestorm : And here I thought you weren't THAT bad...

Reverse!H : Don't worry...Reverse!Gempa can handle them.

Thunderstorm : So....what are the other Reverses like?

Reverse!H : They aren't....really...

"As nice as I am" 

[Ok so part 4 is here and so part 5 will be made later so hope yall enjoyed so far]

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