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Ok back to the story

??? : Too slow...Reverse..

Reverse!H : !!

[??? had stabbed Reverse!H in the chest with a blade...not a normal blade though....the same blade that Thunderstorm uses in fights...Reverse!H had fallen to the ground, he was still alive...but he won't last long...]

Reverse!H : W-why even....n-need our elemental cores...?

??? : You know my story...but you don't know what I'm fighting for? That was to be expected from you...

Reverse!H : mean..?

??? : ...I'll do anything to get them back...even if it means killing...







𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨





Reverse!H : Y-You don'

??? : Of course not...

Reverse!H : (I have to...heal...somehow...)




Reverse!H : (I know..!)

??? : aren't going anywhere...

[Back in reality aka with Gempa,Solar and Thunderstorm]

Solar : You called Gempa..?

Gempa : I-Its Hali...somethings wrong again...

Thunderstorm : Get...out...hurting...a't want to...hurt...them...

Solar : ...Is it because of this "Reverse" guy...?

Thunderstorm : Not...him...other person...there..

Solar : Another person..?

Gempa : ...He said someone else was in his mind...after that he started freaking out again...

Solar : What else did he say?

Gempa : He said that "other" person was bad news...

Solar : We can't really do much if this "person" is in invading Hali's mind...

Gempa : So...we can't help..?

Solar : ...Nope..

Thunderstorm : (Reverse...why..does it hurt so much...? What...happened..?)

Reverse!H : (Thunderstorm...I have to take control...of your...body for a bit...please...)

Thunderstorm : (Why..? Whats going on?)

Reverse!H : (Tell Gempa and Solar to explain to the other elementals about me first)

Thunderstorm : (Um..okay..)

[Back to Solar and Gempa]

Solar : What do we do...

Thunderstorm : Tell...the others...about Reverse...

Gempa : Didn't he say we shouldn't tell them?

Thunderstorm : Just...tell them!

Solar : *sigh* If you say so

[Gempa and Solar called the others and explained to them about Reverse]

Thorn : Do we have reverses too?

Blaze : Well if Hali does then probably?

Taufan : should have said something to us...

Thunderstorm : I didn't...want you guys to worry...

Ice : Of course we would worry about you...

Thunderstorm : (Reverse you can come now)

Reverse!H : (A-Alright..)

[A sudden red flash was seen through the room, Hali wasn't there anymore. Reverse was in control, and he wasn't okay.]

Blaze : Is that him?

Thorn : Why is there a stab wound on you..?

Reverse!H : in a...serious situation..

Taufan : (He looks...really different from our Hali)

Reverse!H : Hm? Something wrong..? 

Taufan : Um...nothing that wound okay..?

Reverse!H : I'll be fine..

Its HIM you need to worry about..

Chapter 13 done! Hope yall enjoyed i guess?

Chapter 14 might be posted tomorrow?

That's all for now though TwT 

I don't have much ideas for fight scenes :')

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