Secret is out..?

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Thunderstorm now had white hair with a brown streak, his eyes were blood red with a slighty slit pupil. His thunder symbol has changed too. It was now a glowing bloody thunder symbol with a few rain clouds.

Solar : H-hali...? Is that you-?!

Reverse!H : Ah-! Your Hali isn't here at the moment~

Solar : Are you the one who-

Reverse!H : Yep!

Solar : ....

Reverse!H : Hmm? Why so quiet?

Solar : What did you do with Hali-?!

Reverse!H : Relax, I just controlled his body thats all~

[Little did they know someone was watching them all along]

??? : You two better have an explanation for this

[Solar and Reverse both looked at the person watching them. It was Gempa]

Solar : G-gempa?!

Reverse!H : Hm? That's Gempa? He seems so different..

Gempa : So you are the guy that was in Hali's dreams?

Reverse!H : Pretty much~

Gempa : *sigh* we have to go home it's getting real late now

Reverse!H : You can't tell the others about me...yet..

Gempa : Huh?

Reverse!H : ...

Gempa : Ok then, you can use the window to go to Hali's room. We'll talk there all right?

Reverse!H : All right

[Solar, Gempa and Reverse went back to the house and met up in Hali's room]

{Just a slight reminder that Reverse Hali has small wings and horns hidden (Just my au)

Reverse!H : Ehhhhh... What taking them so long...I'm bored!

Thunderstorm : (You can't really do anything right now though)

Reverse!H : (Oh your awake now?)

Thunderstorm : (Yes. And why didn't you tell me it would hurt THAT much)

Reverse!H : (I wouldn't know how much it hurt though...I'm not the one being controlled)

Thunderstorm : (...)

[Gempa and Solar went to Hali's room and saw him Reverse Hali floating around the room]

Solar : Since when did he have wings?

Gempa : Don't ask me, ask him

Reverse!H : So what are we doin here again?

{Small note that he acts like a fused personality with Taufan and Hali. So he's a childish tsundere but he doesn't get mad easily}

Gempa : I...have a lot of questions..

Solar : Me too..

Reverse!H : Well you better spill those questions, I'm getting sleepy here..

Solar : First off- Who are you, exactly-?

Reverse!H : Reverse Thunderstorm! or Reverse Hali, I could go by any of those names~ 

Gempa : Reverse Thunderstorm-?

Reverse!H : As the name said, I am an opposite version of Thunderstorm!

Solar : But how are you able to control his body like that?

Reverse!H : We're connected to each other, thats why

Gempa : Connected..?

Reverse!H : Mhm! We can communicate through thoughts, it's the reason he usually blacks out in a conversation, that would mean I'm probably talking to him

Gempa : Okay...

[Reverse Hali looked at his watched which was glitching and sighed]

Reverse!H : Hm...looks like I have to go for now...

Solar : What?

Reverse!H : I'll come back tomorrow if you have more questions~

[Suddenly another flash happened and Hali was back to normal and lying on the floor]

Solar : Guess we have to wait till morning..

Gempa : I'll put Hali in bed, you can go sleep now

[Solar had went to his room and Gempa had tucked Hali in his bed]









𝐻𝒶𝒽𝒶..𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒶𝓈 𝐼 𝑒𝓍𝓅𝑒𝒸𝓉𝑒𝒹







Who do yall think that guy is?🤔

Find out in the next chapter =D

Probably going to post chapter 10 tomorrow morning ;^;

After this story is done i'll make an alternate ending for this fanfic ;D

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