Just a bad "dream"

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Oh gosh, my story telling and writing is horrible...
Im suprised people r still reading this crap-
But since I like the story and some of yall do too ill continue it
Anyways, more trauma🥰
I sobbed while writing this😔🤧....../j 🤪
*cries in short ahh chapters*






Gempa : Uh..Reverse! Any Idea on now to beat this guy, cuz um we are really struggling here-

Reverse!H : One thing, aim for the thing on his chest!

Ice : The gem?

Reverse!H : Yes! And No-!

Ice : Huh??

Reverse!H : Uh, just try and grab the thing, dont break it!

Ice : How?! We cant even get close to him without getting hit!

Reverse!H : Erm...Solar! Figure something out!

Solar : Why me?! Im already in bad shape here!

Reverse!H: You're the smart one right?! Youll think of somehing!

Solar : Fine!

Gempa : Ehehe...guys..? Please hurry...We cant hold him back forever-

Ice : Watch out!

Gempa : Hu- WOAH-! That was close...

??? : Just stop interfering with me...maybe youll live...

Solar : Well, too late to do that now!

??? : (Why are they so persistent...Is it because of their brothers?)

[A sudden beam of light shot ???]

Reverse!H : Now!

??? : Huh-!?

Gempa : Come on and take the thing already!

??? : Oh you wouldnt want to do that~

Gempa : Wha-

[ String started forming around ???, those " strings " now had a hold of Hali]

Reverse!H : Oh shit, not this spell...

??? : You wouldnt want me to hurt him, would you?

Gempa : ....

??? : Oh, but that isnt the plan...

Solar : What..?

??? : First things first, I have to break him for the process to be a " succes "

Reverse!H : You lied...It was a distraction wasnt it...


[Insane?H stands for Insane? Hali, ill explain in chapter 19 maybe]

Insane?H : Hehe...your smarter than they give ya credit for, you know?

Reverse!H : Is this how it is then...toying with feelings

Insane?H : Well, its the only option, isnt it?

Reverse!H : (If only I could have saved "him" magbe this wouldnt be happening to us, but no, nothing in life ever goes how you want it, its just how the universe works...)

How pathetic are you
Why cant you just do a simple thing?
Why do you still resist?
Your fate was already sealed the moment that "accident" happened
So why?
Give me ONE reason why your still fighting

I want...to see them...again...I dont...want to hurt....anybody...but...the pain, is unbearable...It feels like you were stabbed and thown in a cold river, over and...over again...and you cant feel numb, because your...fighting....it

Oh you poor thing, dont worry...once you kill them, it will all be over....

Thunderstorm P.O.V

Darkness, that was all I could feel...It felt cold and I was numb, but....the soft voices....I want to go back...I dont like these strings wrapped on me....they hurt...

P.O.V ended

[Bold text is Thunderstorm and slanted are others and if the text is both its a pov underlined is the "voice" in his head]

Where am I..?

Hali can you help clean the house?


What an idotic pikachu you are!


You would never hurt us, why would you think that!?


Memories played through his head like a record, some were good some were bad, he was okay until...one            " memory "


Taufan your hurt!

I thought you were...supposed to protect us...

Gem..pa....why are you guys hurt?!


No no no no no, this isnt real..its not real...its not...I wouldnt hurt them...right..?

It was your fault Hali

Its...not...real...i-its just...a bad dream...

Why would you hurt them?

N-No..i-it wasnt me..I-I didnt..

Your covered in their blood

I couldnt have...

They even looked up to you, called you their "brother"


It was pretty easy breaking your soul...hm...


A sudden sharp pain shot though Hali's body, he let out bloodcurdling screams that would haunt a child forever, he was crying bloody tears, the strings would keep him in place to prevent him from escaping. He couldnt cry for help, no one would hear him anyway

It will all be over soon...

My puppet~

Yey more trauma for the siblings🥰
Anyways 722 words
Tbh longest chapter i wrote-
Also Rynn if your reading this

No im not gonna stop making them suffer🤪
Anyways good night 🥰
I laughed while making this /srs

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