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Damn 50+ reads and 7 votes with #25 rank on this story?

Im out from the flop era 🤩

Im in my famous era now 💅

Taufan woke up and saw Hali eating.

Taufan : ABANGGG!

Thunderstorm : E-eh! Taufan?! You're awake?!

Taufan : We were so worried about you!! Why did you suddenly pass out at dinner??!

Thunderstorm : Im...not sure...

Taufan : ...

Thunderstorm : But I'm fine now you don't need to worry  (I'm fine...for now..)

Taufan : Hm? Why are you wearing an eyepatch?

Thunderstorm : Ah-! I just tripped that's all..

Taufan : Okey then! =3

Thunderstorm : You should go eat now..

Taufan : Ok see ya!

Thunderstorm : What an airhead...

Reverse!H : (What's an airhead?)

Thunderstom : (JEEZ YOU SCARED ME-)

Reverse!H : (ehh sorry) 

Thunderstorm : (This telepathy thing is so weird..)

Reverse!H : (Meh you'll get used to it soon) 

Thunderstorm : (If you say so..)

[Suddenly he heard the door open, Solar was there]

Solar : Hali can you come with me for a bit?

Thunderstorm : Um okay?

[Solar led Hali to his lab where there was a bed]

Thunderstorm : Um..Solar what are we doing in your lab..?

Solar : I need to do a test on you

Thunderstorm : HAH?! WHAT FOR?!

Solar : You've been acting weird lately, then you randomly black out at dinner..and then you have an eyepatch now

Thunderstorm : ....

Solar : We know something's wrong with you Hali...You can't hide it

Thunderstorm : I...

Reverse!H : (I guess you can tell him)

Thunderstorm : (What?! How do I even explain who you are!?)

Reverse!H : (When your done explaining ill show myself to him, just trust me) 

Thunderstorm : (Ok fine.)

Solar : Well..?

Thunderstorm : Fine. I do know what's happening to me.

Solar : And what exactly is it?

Thunderstorm : do i explain this...

Chapter 6

It seems Reverse Thunderstorm trusts Solar

But will Solar trust him?

Find out in chapter 7 ig ;^;

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