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Have this Thorn and Hali fanfusion made by me🥰
Hes gonna commit arson.
Back from hiatus yall🏃‍♀️✨️
Anyway, still in my horknee era😔
I think...
Insane?H : I wonder what other abilities you have now~

Thunderstorm? : §hųť

Insane?H : (Still aggresive huh?)

Thunderstorm? : .....

Thunderstorm suddenly dashed at Insane?H, which created a huge scene

Insane?H : Woah-! Whats your problem?!
No response , only a low scowl came from the controlled boy
"Only then will he realize"
"There is NO hope..."
(Somebody please teach me how to make fight scenes😥)
Gempa : ...Huh...? Was he...supposed to do that?

Reverse!H : Uh...I dont know..

Solar : Hey, wheres Thorn, Taufan and Blaze?

Reverse!H : Ah fuck...

Solar : Whos finding them?

Reverse!H : I'll go...

Solar : *sigh*... All right, make sure they're safe okay?

Reverse!H : Of course

Back with Thorn, Blaze and Taufan

Blaze : H-Hey, Taufan...dont move okay?

Taufan : Ah...H-Huh..?

Thorn : You're going to be okay Taufan!

Blaze : Wheres Solar and the others???

Thorn : Im worried....

Taufan : ....Hali....

Thorn : Hm?

Taufan : Wheres.....Hali...?

Blaze : ......Uhm.....

Thorn : ......He....
No, its not that they wouldnt tell him, its because they couldnt.
They are not aware of what happened to Hali, or the others
Even if they were close, of course, they were to far
What would you feel if the very answer, to all of your problems, was rjght jn front of you?
My guess, you would have probably taken that answer,
But no.
YOU were to foolish to understand, you are the problem,
And I...
Have the solution.
Solar : So...what do we do..?

Gempa : I-.....dont know....

Solar : .....

That was strange, Gempa always had a plan, even if he was under stress, he always had one. But this time, its different
Solar : Well...guess we have no choice but to fight Hali...

Gempa : ......(I dont want to....)...

Solar : You ready...?

Gempa : ..Yeah..(We dont really have a choice anyway...)
Back with Reverse!H
"Ah shit, where are they?"
"Its so dark in this pla-"
"Oh right."
Reverse!H summoned a ball of light on his hand and continued searching
"Geez, how big is this place?"
Reverse!H quickly ran towards TTM
Reverse!H : Are you guys okay?!

Blaze : We are, but Taufan isnt..
Taufan was just there, lying in the ground fighting to stay awake
Reverse!H : I still have some spare energy....give Taufan to me.

Thorn : ..O-Okay..
Reverse!H's hand was suddenly covered in a white light, he touched Taufans wound, and it started to heal a little bit
Reverse!H : Thats the best I can do, I cant loose this light on my hand, or else we'll be probably get lost

Thorn : T-Thank you..Reverse..

Reverse!H : Oh..its nothing really..now lets go help Solar and Gempa

Blaze : All right!

Thorn : Are you okay now, Taufan??

Taufan : ..I feel better...

Reverse!H : Thats good...
Reverse!H couldnt help but smile at the 3 elementals, as they hugged each other in relief
"Its just like...the past..."
Blaze : So...where exactly is Solar and Gempa..?

Reverse!H : Come on, there this direction
Reverse!H and TTM had went back to where Solar, Hali and Gempa were
Blaze : Were we really that far away from you guys??!

Reverse!H : This place does gets altered alot...

Blaze : Oh

Reverse!H : Come on you three, we still have to save your brothers
"Węłł, løøk whø fįňally decidęd to show ųp"
"...You again..."
"Į thøuğhť you mįssèđ me?"
"(I did...)
"Cømę on~"
Bye bye💗

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