Keep a Secret

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Solar : Hali...I'm waiting for an answer...

Thunderstorm :

Solar : Come on Hali, I won't be mad about whatever is happening...I'm just...worried about you..

Thunderstorm : You're...worried about me...?

Solar : Of course I'm worried you Idiot Tsundere! Your our older brother it's natural okay..

[Solar looked away because he was embarrassed saying that to him]

Thunderstorm : *sigh* Idiotic lightbulb...


Thunderstorm : Heh.. nothing

Solar : *sigh* 

[Suddenly blood was dripping from Hali's right eye, he quickly looked away from Solar]

Solar : Huh..?

Thunderstorm : N-nothing..

Solar : Oi Pikachu look at me 

[Thunderstorm was really pissed after that, but he didn't look at Solar. Suddenly he teleported in front of Hali and saw the blood coming from his right eye]

[Hali noticed and quickly turned away again]

Solar : Hali..

[Thunderstorm flinched and looked away]

Solar : Hali.

[Thunderstorm still didnt look at Solar]

Solar : HALI!

[Finally giving up Thunderstorm looked at Solar]

Solar : What's wrong with your eye?

Thunderstorm : Nothing...

Solar : Hali I saw the blood. Take of your eyepatch.

[Thunderstorm winced and took the eyepatch off with his eyes closed]

Solar : Hali, open your eyes...I wont do anything, I promise

[With those words Hali opened his eyes and looked at Solar with a worried look ]

Solar : ...What happened to your eye..?

Thunderstorm : I guess i'll explain, but not here..

Solar : Okay then, lets go to the forest..?

Thunderstorm : All right..

Sorry if this was so short, i have class rn so sorry ;w;

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