Come on, cheer up!

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Homework sucks <33 (why are yall reading this? This book is absolute shit)
Damn its been a whole month since i updated?
"SOLAR ECLIPSE" Solar pointed at Halilintar, not ready to shoot his own brother
"........" Halilintar stopped attacking Solar and stared at the floor instead, dropping his sword in the process
"Huh?" Solar stopped aiming at him, curious as to what was happening
Then Solar realized, Halilintar wasn't attacking because he was focused on something else.
It didn't take him long to figure that out
It seems......
Halilintar is experiencing some sort of  inner "struggle"
"Are you okay, Hali?"
"Yeah Im okay.."
Its not okay.
"I didn't really...get much sleep last night.."
It feel so cold.
Hope is like a candle, once the "candle" goes out....the hope you have will burn out with it.

But when you lose hope, H̴̯̜͉̥̭̠̘̊͗̂̾̓̓̿̕a̴̜̰͖̫̓͑̋l̶̢̿̅̀̔͛̈̄̄͝i̵̠̟̅.
I'll be right there to light it back up for you.
Don't lose hope.....just yet.
You will understand...soon enough.
Halilintar woke up someplace familiar
" I...?"
"Oh dear! Was the spell really that strong?"
A white shadowy like figure had suddenly approached Halilintar, the figure seemed to have a cheery expression.
Wait white shadows? Do those things exist?
"Who are you..?"
"Why do you ask so many questions?"
Halilintar was silent for a moment and opened his mouth to respond but was immedietly cut off.
"I'm just kidding, you can ask and maybe I can give you an answer."
"..Okay, first of all...who are you..?"
"Hehe...nobody knows...not even...."
The figure dropped their once happy expression for a moment.
"Not even me...."
Halilintar seemed to have noticed the sensitivity of the topis, and dropped it rather quickly
"If you're not comfortable with saying its fine.."
The figure seemed to cheer up again.
"Hmm...just call me Shadow for now then!"
Halilintar turned to look at "Shadow". He seemed decently familiar, but he couldn't remember why. Shadow reminded him of someone, but who?
"But..where are we...?"
"Hm..if I remember correctly...we're in your sub-conciousness...I think...?"
"Wait, WHAT!?"
Halilintar stood up and quickly ran, he didn't know where.. But something felt wrong....
"Hey wait!! If you keep running towards there you-"
Halilintar turned back, still running. Until he eventually hit something.
"What the..."
A red barrier was suddenly infront of him, Halilintar approached the barrier and received a shock after making contact with it.
"I told you..."
"But, come on, cheer up! We aren't trapped in here!"
"Not forever at least..."
Halilintar gave a small glare to Shadow, not a threatining one at least.
"How am I supposed to cheer up when my brothers are in danger and I'm practically the cause of everything bad thats happened to them!?"
"But theres still hope right?"
Halilintar couldn't take is much longer, but still tried to not cry.
A slight sob could be heard from the suffering elemental
"Its fault..isn't it...?
"What kind of hero am I, if I can't even save anyone?"
"I can't even save myself...."
"You know.....your whole situation, seems rather.....hopeless.....doesn't it...?
Halilintar slightly looked at him, tears still clouding his eyes.
"I know...this won't really help but......just remember :
Even the word "hopeless" isn't devoid of hope."
Halilintar wiped away a few remaining tears and looked up in the sky, if there even was one.
".....Maybe your right...."
"Maybe there is still....hope..."
Yes, i DID put a trollhunters reference in this chapter.
Oh god im so damn tired with all these assignments

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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