Hurt, but not Broken...yet

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When im done with this chapter i might publish my voltron story draft <3

Gempa : Taufan are you ok?

[Taufan only let out a soft whine]

Gempa : ....All right....

Ice : Is he going to be ok?

Gempa : The wound isnt fatal or anything, but it is pretty deep...

Ice : What should we do now...?

Gempa : Lets go check on Blaze and Thorn

Ice : Kay...

[Gempa carefully lifted up Taufan, he winced a little but not to much]

Gempa : Where are they...

Ice : Over there!

[Gempa, Ice and an uncounscious Taufan went over and saw Blaze next to a sobbing Thorn]

Blaze : H-Hey...Its going to be ok...

Gempa : What happened...?

Thorn : H-Hali...he i-isnt...waking up...and his hearbeat got slower...

Ice : Geez...the situation is getting even worse...

Gempa : Can we see his wounds?

[Thorn and Blaze moved away from the 2]

[Thunderstorm was in an even worse condition than Taufan, blood smeared all over his face and body, more cuts and wounds would be seen if you moved his hair away]

[Gempa couldnt handle the sight of his brothers being in pain, though he only let out a quiet sob]

[Blaze seemed to be angered yet sad at the same time]

[Thorn didnt like seeing his brothers like this either]

[Ice couldnt do much, he wasnt really good at comforting people]

Taufan :

[Gempa lit up a little as he saw Taufan wake up, yet he knew it wasnt getting any better]

Gempa : Does it hurt a lot Taufan..?

Taufan :


[Gempa placed Taufan near Hali, with tears in his eyes as he thought]

Gempa : (Why am I so useless..?  I could have done something...I should have done something...but...I didnt...
I couldnt do anything...)

Ice : (I wonder how Solar and Reverse are doing...)

Thorn : W-Will they b-be ok Gempa....?

[Gempa looked at the sobbing leaf elemental with a very weak smile]

Gempa : Im sure they're going to be fine...they're strong ya know..

Thorn : R-Right...

Ice : Now thats over...are Solar and Reverse ok..?

[Gempa and Thorn started panicking, what if something bad happened to Solar?]

Gempa : Ice come with me, Blaze, Thorn you guys watch over Hali and Taufan all right?

Blaze : O-Ok

[Gempa and Ice rushed to find Solar and Reverse after a few twists and turns theu finally found them]

Gempa : There you are!


Ice : W-We came to help..

[Solar was in a bad condition, Reverse was still wounded, and yet they're still fighting]

Reverse!H : Behind you!!!

[Gempa turned around and locked eyes with ???]

??? : Great...even more problems...

Gempa : We wont let you hurt our brothers anymore!

??? : You should be thankful...

Ice : For what?

??? : That I didnt break him....


Heyooo, so sorry for the late update
I dont rlly have much ideas
And im caught up with some things

Geez this story make 0 sense..

See ya in the next chapters! ^w^

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