Slipping away

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Did ya save up your tears and tissues Rynn☕️
I dont even have much ideas anymore but im tryin ok🙃

The poor thunder element couldnt do anything in his own mind, all he could do was cry, scream and beg for help...even if he knew no one could come and save him, the more he fought against "it", the strings would tighten their grip on him...and it would hurt even more
But they're keeping him "alive" he still has a reason to fight and live, and "he" needed to destroy that reason

It hurts...
So much...
I feels like im dying...over and over...
I want it to end...
I want to die....

But I want to go...home...
Be..with them...
I dont wanna...hurt them...
I just...wanna be bappy with them...
Why did this happen...
Why us...
Didnt we go though enough already..?

Oh...Like I will all be over soon...
Now that your soul is broken, I can finally take over..

....make it...stop...the voice...make it stop...

Maybe if you didnt fight back it would hurt less, but I know that you wouldnt...yet..


Thunderstorm couldnt do anything at this state, but now

He was slipping away
Hes trying very hard to not let go, but the shadows only taunt him and dragged him farther from the light that he desires, the light that keeps him from,
well..." loosing control "

I...dont like it here...

Oh~? You dont? Well then...lets take a "stroll" shall we?


The strings shifted and dragged the electric boy through his mind, the more he fought, moved or did anything, the strings would tighten, to the point where it pierces through his skin...
Though he wont die
But he wants it to end
He couldnt take it much longer

Memory p.o.v ended

Solar : What....the.....FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?!

Insane?H : Oh? The process was quite a succes~

Gempa : What process...

Insane?H : Hm, you guys didnt know?

Ice : Know what?

Insane?H : His fate was sealed the moment you guys battled Reta'ka

[Ice, Gempa and Solar shivered at that name, they were still obviously traumatized about the "incident" they had with him]

Gempa : What are you even talking about..

Insane?H : Youll find out, soon...

[Hali was still wrapped in the strings, desperately trying to break free, even though he knows that his efforts are useless, his brothers were enough reason for him to fight back]

Thunderstorm : I-It......h..u...r..t...s

I know...Im so sorry, if only I was strong wouldnt be like this

But...your breaking, you dont have much time left....
You have to-

[The voice was interupted by ringing, a painful ringing]

[Hali screamed, again and again until his vocals started to break, the blood all over his body was making it worse, the blood loss was taking its toll on him...]

Gempa : STOP IT!

Insane?H : Im not the one whos doing this

Gempa : H-Huh...

Hali muttered a few things, but they were to distorted to be understood

....You have to save him....


Its useless trying to fight


He is still there


Dont be such a failure

We still need you...

A leader shouldnt be so pathetic

...I need you...

He cant hear you anymore, Earth element

Dont leave me...

Gempa....I long guys are here...ill still be here...

...Thank you....


Ew only 594 words
Anywys did yall like the angst🥰
So many parts, yet such short chapters man😒

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