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[Solar and Thunderstorm were out in the forest where nobody could overhear they're conversation]

Solar : So...can you explain now?

Thunderstorm : Reverse.

Solar : What..?

Thunderstorm : Um...Theres someone in my dreams and nightmares thats bothering me..

Solar : Isn't that probably just your imagination?

Thunderstorm : No..I saw him, And he talks to me even when im awake..

Solar : I want to think that this person you are talking about is just a hallucination but, that wouldn't really add up to the thing with your eye.

[In Thunderstorm's mind]

Thunderstorm : (Hey when are you gonna show yourself?)

Reverse!H : (Anytime, you can say when you want me to come out)

Thunderstorm : (Got it)

Reverse!H : (But... )

Thunderstorm : (But what?)

Reverse!H : (I have to control your body to be be able to come out)

Thunderstorm : (Sure i guess..?)

Reverse!H : (I'll just warn you that it's gonna hurt.)

Thunderstorm : (...)

[Back to reality]

Solar : Thunderstorm!

Thunderstorm : H-huh w-what

Solar : You blacked out again..

Thunderstorm : Sorry I was talking to him

Solar : The person in your dreams?

Thunderstorm : Y-yeah..

Solar : *sigh* I don't know if your making excuses or if you are being serious

[Thunderstorm looked at Solar with a cold look. Solar knew he wasn't joking]

Thunderstorm : He could show himself to you- At least that's what he said

Solar : Could he show himself to me?

Thunderstorm : Probably, but it's gonna hurt.

Solar : What do you mean it's going to hurt?

Thunderstorm : You're gonna find that out real soon..

Solar : Huh...?

Thunderstorm : (You can come out now Reverse)

[Suddenly blood red lightning surrounded Thunderstorm]

Thunderstorm : ..Ngh-!...

Thunderstorm held his head tight

Solar : Hali..?

[Thunderstorm's Hair started to fade from brown to white and his left eye started to look like his right one]

Solar : H-hali..what's going on?!

[Thunderstorm did not answer, instead he screamed. Then a bright red flash appeared]

[Solar opened his eyes after the sudden flash and was shocked to see what happened]

[Thunderstorm was not himself anymore]







This is gonna flop, I feel it

Anyways the next part is gonna be posted soon aswell

Hope u guys are enjoying the story  :D

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