Part-6 ~God did wonder~

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"What the hell, Jeongguk?!" Yoongi's first sentence that he said upon reaching their place.

"What hyung?! I wasn't planning on kidnapping him but I have to because I spilled the tea to him. I mean I told him that I went there to kidnap his sisters. Hyung, believe me it was unintentional." Jeongguk state and Yoongi nod-- understanding the situation.

"Ok. It's OK."

"Isn't he Park Bogum's soon to be fiancé?! I mean I haven't seen his picture but he had warned me not to touch the Prince." Yoongi said to Jeongguk.

"I don't know hyung. I don't know. I just know one thing that we are going to hide somewhere" Jeongguk says, looking at Taehyung who was on the couch. He was only in a huge-white shirt, his tan legs were on display.

Jeongguk covers Taehyung's lower body.

"Why are we going to hide?! That Bogum will come in two to three days--" Yoongi says but Jeongguk interrupts him.

"I want him to stay." Jeongguk points at Taehyung. Yoongi gave him a blank look.

"And may I ask why?" Yoongi asked.

"I just want to." Jeongguk says. He himself doesn't even know what he's saying.

"We will see. For now, tie his hands and legs. Also put tape on his mou--" Jeongguk interrupted Yoongi-- again.

"No hyung. We aren't going to tie him." Jeongguk state.

"I don't wanna bruise his soft wrist or any other feature." Jeongguk said brushing Taehyung's bangs behind his ear because those were disturbing the sleeping beauty.

"You're speaking nonsense, Jeongguk. Anyway, whatever will happen, you're going to be responsible because I'm going to sleep."

And Yoongi went to sleep.

Jeongguk grabbed a chair and sat on it so that he could stare at Taehyung.

"How can someone be this beautiful? Looking so ethereal even while sleeping. Wow! God must have made you so patiently, peacefully and carefully. Unlike you, I look like a messy pomeranian when I sleep."

Jeongguk blabber things to himself and kept on making cute, weird faces.


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