Part-27 ~Intent~

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Enjoy reading! It's a SOPE chapter👀


Yoongi groaned when he heard continuous knocking on the door.

Yoongi: "Who the fxck is disturbing my dear sleep!!" 

He mumbled coherent words, nonetheless got up. 

Yoongi: "Who are you? What do you want?" 

Hobi made a face at Yoongi's behaviour.

Hobi: "You know something about basic manners or not?!" 

Yoongi: "If you knock at my door and disturb my precious sleep just to teach me basic manners then you can get the fxck out of here! I'm not---"

Hobi: "First of all fxck you!! And secondly-- how can you sleep and not care about your friend who literally got kidnapped by those bulky guards!!" 

Hobi said loudly and tossed Yoongi away to enter his house.

Yoongi: "What do you mean by that?!" 

Yoongi's sleep was now long gone after hearing Hobi.

Hobi: "You're Yoongay right?"

Yoongi: "YoonGI it is!!"

Hobi: "Yeah yeah whatever!" 

"Jeongguk sent me here. He told me that you would help me by letting him and Tae run away from that hell hole of a palace." Hobi continued.

"But poor him didn't know that the hyung whom he thought was helpful was sleeping with no care for his friend's well being. 

He will feel bad to hear this." 

"And who are you? How do you know about Jeongguk and Taehyung?! Where did you meet him??"

Yoongi bombarded Hobi with questions.

Hobi: "I am Taehyung's only friend. And I work for his father, for Taehyung. Take care of him to be precise."

Yoongi: "Why would I believe you? Who knows Tae's father has sent you to capture me too?" 

Hobi: "I'd appreciate it if you'd stop questioning me and come by yourself to see your friend. And help him!" 

Yoongi thought for a moment and then he asked again, "How are we going to help them?"

"Thankfully! Finally! You came to the point!!" Hobi sighed. 

"Look, I don't have much time to stay here and talk about the plan with you. You're a kidnapper--" 

Yoongi glared at Hobi and Hobi smiled sheepishly.

"I mean you're Jeongguk's friend, you might already have plans to save your friend. Or were you busy sleeping?" Said Hobi.

"Shut up dude. I wanted to free Jeongguk from being held hostage but it wasn't easy. You can say I was waiting for a way and God had finally sent you. Give me your phone baby." Yoongi said

Hobi: "Excuse me!!?? I'm not a baby ok! And why should I give my phone to you?!"

Yoongi: "Chill! I am not going to click nudes on your phone. I will just give you my contact number."

Hobi made an 'eww' face at Yoongi and gave his phone.

Yoongi: "Soon I'll call you and let you know my plan. Do tell Tae and Gguk to take care of themselves and not worry. Their hyung will free them from that sh!t hole." 

Hobi: "Yeah I will." 

Hobi said and was about to leave when Yoongi asked, smirking a little, "By the way, what is your name or should I call you baby?" 

Hobi: "Hobi. H.O.B.I." 

Hobi isn't the guy who gets annoyed easily but he was a little annoyed by this guy who looks like a cat-- according to Hobi of course.

"Annoying cat!" Hobi spat and stomped out from Yoongi's house. 


See y'all soon♡

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