Part-19 ~I am happy~

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It was evening, Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting in the living room on a couch facing each other. It was pure silence except for the variety of sounds coming from the forest. 

"Jeongguk, it's evening now. Are we just going to sit like this?! My b*tt is hurting. Tell me or for real I'm leaving." Taehyung broke the silence.

"Taehyung, I'm serious right now. Better not even think about running away from here or me." Jeongguk said directly, looking into Taehyung's eyes, with a not so soft gaze. 

Taehyung sighed, "Ok but tell me, who you really are." 

"I know a lot of negative thoughts might be coming into your mind. But have a hold onto it ok. Whatever I or he has done is for your own safety. I know he hasn't told you but don't worry I will." Jeongguk started. 

Taehyung knitted his eyebrows in confusion.

"By he I mean you father, King Kim." And Taehyung's eyes shot at Jeongguk.

"H-how do you know about m-my dad?" Taehyung stuttered.

"Do you remember Jeon Junghyun?" Jeongguk asked.

"Jeon… royals. Yeah King Jeon of Busan if I am not wrong. He was dad's close friend, as I have seen him a lot of times." Taehyung replied.

"He's my father and yes your dad's good friends. Through my father I met King Kim and soon we got along really well." Jeongguk said.

Ignoring the other words-- Taehyung asked, "So…. You are a royal?!?!" 

Jeongguk hesitantly nodded.

"Why you hide your identity then from me?" Taehyung asked.

"Even though I am a royal, I don't like living like that. That's annoying. But if I've to fulfil my promise, I will live like a royal." Jeongguk said.

"What promise?" 
"That isn't your concern for now, Taehyung. Just don't leave this place." 

"Jeongguk, you have to tell me everything. I can't stay like this with you. On top of that, we aren't going to stay with each other forever. King must have been searching for me….for us. He will definitely harm you for kidnapping me. And I really don't have any idea why you are talking about my dad. It's all so puzzling to me." Taehyung complained.

"I don't want you to leave me, that's why I am not explaining things to you." Jeongguk mumbled.

"Jeongguk, I know you like me. I am so beautiful so I can't blame you for that but you not wanting to leave me doesn't make any sense. We aren't in any kind of relationship. We aren't even friends." Said Taehyung.

"It's just been a week, Tae. I took you away from my workplace to explore the world and to know you better. Ok. It's you who didn't give me a proper chance to be friends or more than that. I do mind becoming your friend but I would never mind becoming more than a friend. I know I'm blabbering but I'm not letting you go to that so called King." Jeongguk blurted.

"Yes you just blabbered and yeah I get nothing." Taehyung rolled his eyes. 

"You are beautiful but dumb that's why you understand nothing." And in a day, Jeongguk received a second pillow right on his face.

But this time he didn't spare Taehyung. He hit Taehyung with a soft pillow and in mere moments, the two started having a pillow fight. 

Beautiful sound of laughter echoed in the house as after having a straight twenty minutes of pillow fight both landed on the couch-- controlling their laughter and trying to catch their breath.

Both were laying on the couch with Taehyung's head on Jeongguk's arm-- both were staring at each other.

"You look more beautiful when you laugh. Keep laughing like this, it suits you so well." Jeongguk complimented Taehyung.

"Same goes for you too, Jeongguk." Taehyung complimented back.

"Tae, are you feeling happy? I want a genuine answer." Jeongguk asked after a moment of silence.

Taehyung nodded.

"Yes Jeongguk. I am happy. But genuinely speaking, I'm not very happy. Because y'know, even though I don't like the palace-- I like Hobi. I like spending time with him so much. We sometimes sneak out and roam around in the city and do shopping. It was so much fun." Jeongguk stared at Taehyung who was now sitting and so dreamily he was telling his stories.

Though Jeongguk wanted to know who Hobi is, he didn't ask because he was staring at Taehyung lovingly.

He didn't tell Taehyung the main thing about Taekook's d*ad father yet but it's not like he won't ever.

He will tell him once the right time comes. 
Right time is-- when Taehyung will fall for Jeongguk.

Jeongguk doesn't want Taehyung to love him forcibly.


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