Part-8 ~Just overwhelmed~

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"Y-you might think of me as a cry baby but actually I'm not. It's j-just I've never been kidnapped before." Taehyung says pouting. 

"No. I didn't think anything. And it's obvious that anyone will get shocked and start crying at getting kidnapped. But I'm confused. Why don't you wanna go back to your home?" Jeongguk.

"Please don't call that huge royal mansion my home. Because it isn't. It is a prison where I was held hostage." Taehyung says. 

"After my real father d*ed. I was prohibited to go out. I was being forced to do, eat, wear, talk, say, sleep, wake up, walk as the King wanted. I just wanted to get out of there. And finally you took me out of that jail by kidnapping me. Yeah I was shocked before but now I'm relieved that I don't have to go there." 

Taehyung opened up and Jeongguk listened to him carefully.

"Let's continue our talk later. First eat and I also have to tell you something." 

Jeongguk says and leaves to bring food for them.

"O MY GOD!! Sweet-sour chicken!! Bimbap!! Hoeddeok!! Thank you so much Mister!" Taehyung's eyes twinkle at the dishes that he wasn't able to eat in the mansion. Salad and simple food with no spice or salt is what he gets to eat there. 

"I'm a prince that's why I'm getting treated like this or you treat everyone like this?! I mean I know you are a kidnapper but still! Oh God! I'm talking too much right?! Sh*t sorry! I will eat now!"

Jeongguk smiled at the talkative prince. 

"I am so full. It was so tasty. Please do bring kimchi rice for dinner and also some sweet di--" 

Taehyung stops blabbering when he finally realises he was kidnapped.

"I don't know what to feel. At one moment, I got so happy that I'm away from the palace and the other moment-- I felt like crying. I am sorry Mr Kidnapper." 

Taehyung started crying again. Poor boy really doesn't know what to do. How to feel. 

Maybe he was happy that he is away from his cruel dad and maybe he's missing Hobi or Queen.


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