Part-10 ~Missing them~

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Taehyung's POV- 

As I opened my eyes inspite of the bad headache--- I recollect what happened in my chamber. A guy, he came to kidnap my step sisters-- he spilled his plan to me and later make me unconscious. 
And then…. 
I saw him--- the same guy who kidnapped me. He fall off his chair and got up mumbling incoherent words. 

"Ah~ my b*m!" He groaned at the pain he felt but soon freezed at seeing me. And I also got shocked. 
I shield myself from the pillow, didn't want to get hurt. I pleaded him not to do anything to me while clasping my hands together. 

"N-no. Ehem. I won't. Don't worry, relax." The kidnapper of mine slutter. 

But I was freaking so much that I flooded him with pleads and questions. 

He interrupt me by saying, "Chillax! Relax honey lips. I'm gonna do nothing to you. Don't worry." 

Honey lips. I kinda blush at the name by which he called me. 

But then I realized, it wasn't the time to blush. I'm held as hostage and my kidnapper is standing in front of me. I started crying and I saw his face. I could say by judging his face that he didn't know what to do or even say. 

I started crying more when he told me that he will leave me at the palace. And then I heard him apologizing. 
My kidnapper apologized to me. 

"I--- I don't wan--wanna go b-back." I mumbled between my cries. 
"Ins--instead k--k*ll me or--" 

"Don't say about k*ll*ng. I'm not going to harm you ok. Nor I'll fetch you back to your palace. Now please stop crying." He interrupted me when I said about k*ll*ng me-- harshly yet so carefully. 


I never opened up to anyone except for Hobi but here I told everything to my kidnapper as if he wasn't a kidnapper and I know him so well. I don't know when my lips opened and I told him everything-- everything. 

I pouted and gave an excuse to him by saying, "Y-you might think of me as a cry baby but actually I'm not. It's j-just I've never been kidnapped before.

He nodded in understanding and after a few moments he asked me why I didn't want to go back to my home-- the palace. 

And that's all he asked and I told him everything.

I never opened up to anyone except for Hobi but here I told everything to my kidnapper as if he wasn't a kidnapper and I know him so well. I don't know when my lips opened and I told him everything-- everything. My pain, the way King treats me, how I felt there. 

He listened to me without interrupting. 

I kept on blabbering and he kept on listening to it. 

I was so lost in talking to him that I asked him, "Bring some sweet dish--" 

But I stopped when I realised, I'm kidnapped. 

His smile also fell when I started crying after telling him that I was feeling overwhelmed. 

The happier I was at being kidnapped, the sadder I was because I was missing the way mom used to start my day with a kiss on forehead and the all day talks with Hobi. I was missing them. 


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