Part-23 ~Sexual tension~

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Sexual(content-- tk doing nasty) &
tension(of what might be happening in the palace or with Yoongi)
Did I just throw a dad joke-- CRINGE😩😂🤣


"Hobi, I am asking for the very last time! Tell me everything that you know about Taehyung! How he ran?! With whom and where had he gone to!?!! Tell me or else I won't spare you! Look I didn't let any personal guard of mine in and ask you by hitting ok! Instead I have came to you so-- you better spill!! Yeah?" King Kim asked Hobi with a not so pleasing voice. 

Now more than a month passed and King Kim couldn't descry Taehyung. He was extremely angry and annoyed. The Parks kept needling King Kim to tie Bogum and Taehyung in a relationship soon so that both can enjoy the profits they will get by doing so. 

Parks are thirsting to get Bogum married to Taehyung so that King Kim will include them in all his business. But oh dude~ King Kim is the biggest mf here. He ain't sharing his share of profit with anyone. Instead he will snatch Parks'. 

It's just he want to get rid of Taehyung because he knows that Taehyung can get the throne of KIM KINGDOM. And now do you think King Kim will risk it?! Hell naah!

"I rea--really don't know, King. I d-don't know." Hobi stuttered not because he knew something but because he was scared.

He knows now by hook or by crook, King Kim will find Taehyung-- very soon.

King Kim close his eyes, gritting his teeth- he tale a deep sigh.

"I better not get enlighten the matter you are hiding or else!" King Kim throw a dangerous warning glare at Hobi and left. 


"Dude, seems like you forgot me." The first sentence Yoongi said as soon as Jeongguk picked up the call.

"Oh C'mon hyung! You aren't someone to be forgotten. It's just I couldn't contact you because I am enjoying the time with Tae." Jeongguk's voice sounds shy.

"Tae?! Oh I see~ I want details. Had se--" 

"Nooo hyung~ shut up. We just kissed and made out. You know me right. I am not doing nasty until he agrees." Jeongguk replied. Yoongi can sense through the phone that Jeongguk must be smiling, crazily. Crazy in love. 

"Good good. I know you. You are a man of a gentleman. Anyway, I am glad that you two are enjoying it. But Jeongguk, aren't you scared of his dad-- the King I mean." Yoongi asked.

"Hyung, I haven't thought of him. And I don't even want to. I just know that Tae never wants to go to that palace because it wasn't the place where he felt like home. It was hell for him. And I am not letting him go there again." Jeongguk stated.

"He-- they must be finding him. Just be cautious and share a picture of you and your boyfriend's." Yoongi smirks. Jeongguk chuckled.

"Ok hyung I will send. By the way how's things going there?! Any new tasks?!" Jeongguk asked.

"Not huge ones but yeah little things came up and I wrapped it all up. Don't worry about it here. I am all good-- Jeongguk, I will talk to you later." And Yoongi cut the call.

Jeongguk felt that something was off because Yoongi's voice wavered when he bid goodbye but he shrugged it.


"Watcha doing baby?!" Jeongguk wrapped his arms around Taehyung and back hugged him, who was cutting vegetables. 

"Preparing for dinner." Taehyung replied, Jeongguk pecked his cheek.

"Be careful with those sharp objects. Let me chop them, you go and boil some noodles." Jeongguk said taking the knife away from Taehyung.

Taehyung's heart did something. He knows Jeongguk's caring and protective nature.

He's going to be the best husband. Taehyung thought to himself. He went to boil the noodles not before kissing Jeongguk.

"You just distracted me." Jeongguk said, closing his eyes and then opening it-- staring at Taehyung.

Taehyung didn't get it at first but he chuckled as he realised what Jeongguk was talking about. 

Taehyung was wearing just a hoodie.

Oh yeah yeah they haven't had s*x yet but that doesn't mean that they haven't given hickey to each other or Taehyung hasn't given a head to Jeongguk. [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]

Leaving the noodles and vegetables, they walk to each other.

Jeongguk opened his arms for Taehyung to jump onto him and Taehyung did.

They connect their lips in a hungry kiss. Taehyung sucked on the lip ring that Jeongguk pierced weeks ago. Taehyung found that sexy y'know. Piercing kink(if any exist, lol XD).

Jeongguk made Taehyung sit on the kitchen counter and he leaned one of his knees between Taehyung, still kissing him. 

Pulling away from the kiss, Jeongguk starts leaving open mouthed kisses on Taehyung jaw, collarbone and neck. He even left a few hickeys on Taehyung's neck. 

"Ah~ Ggukkie~~ so good." Taehyung moaned because he loves neck kisses. He loves Jeongguk kissing his neck and leaving hickey, to be precise.


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