Part- 31 ~Beamed with pleasure~

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"Here have these cookies. You know what, if you will eat it once you will ask for more. Here Here. Have it." Jackson said to the guards, giving them cookies.

"It isn't some normal cookie. It has Jack's magic in it!" He added, still distributing the special cookies he especially made all night just for the Royal guards. That would made the guards drift in deep slumber.

Yes! Jackson mixed something something in the cookies that will make the person dizzy who would eat it.

He made it so that the problem of getting caught by guards will be solved. And so that they will easily enter inside. 

Just after a few minutes he saw the guards were feeling dizzy and it did not take much time when the guards fainted. 

"Finally!" Jackson shook his hands and patted his shoulder at the good job he did. 

"Yes guys! Now you can easily come." He said from the earpiece. 

"Oh my God are they de @d?!?!" Hobi was horrified at the sight.

"No sweetie. They are just sleeping. Don't worry." Jackson said, winking at Hobi.

"It is not the time to flirt!" Yoongi barged in between Jackson and Hobi, rolling his eyes.

"So what are we going to do next??" Jackson asked.

"Go guys, enjoy the Masquerade. All you all would have to do is to run as fast as you can when I'll say 'run'. Till then enjoy. Now I will do what is to be done." Yoongi, Jackson and Hobi could hear him from the earpiece. 

"Let's go~ where should I put my shoes?!~~ Ai, mi amor! Ay, mi amor!~~" Jackson chirped, spinning Hobi.

"Put them on your fxcking head!!" Yoongi again interrupted and pulled Hobi to himself.

"Ay, mi amor! Ay, mi amor!!~~" Jackson didn't mind Yoongi, he kept dancing. 


King Kim: "Behave properly in front of the people. Do not embarrass me or--"

Taehyung just listened to the bast@rd with his head bowed down, just hoping for Jeongguk to end his misery soon.


At the Masquerade ball- 

As Taehyung entered the hall where he was said to get tied, he saw a huge crowd of people.

Taehyung: "O my God, Hobi hyung. There are a lot of people."

Hobi: "Yes that j*rk had called almost everyone." 

Taehyung: "Where is Jeongguk?!"

Hobi: "I don't have any idea what he is upto. He had the chance to take you from your room but he didn't and now he told everyone to enjoy the Masquerade ball."

Taehyung nodded his head and patted his chest, asking himself to just trust Jeongguk.

"Ohhh~~ my beautiful groom is here!" Bogum started, at what he is an expert-- over acting, dashing to Taehyung and holding his hand, fainting dramatically.

He held Taehyung's free hand, the other was busy holding his gown.

He loves crossdressing but wanted to wear dresses of his own choice not of any other's. 

From a distance, a pair of eyes were shedding tears.

"Oh God Jackson! Stop crying! And why are you even crying?!" Yoongi asked, annoyed by Jackson's tantrums.

Jackson sniffed, wiped his eyes, "H-he… Jeongguk's snow-white is so pretty!!!" 

Yoongi and Jackson's gang stared at him with a done face. 


Everyone was wearing masks as the theme was Masquerade. Except for Taehyung. 

Bogum: "Come, let's dance." 

Taehyung: "Bogum, my gown is a bit heavy--"

Bogum: "Stop making excuses. Come."

Even after Taehyung's denial, Bogum took him to dance.

They were dancing when the song changed and the guest speaker announced that now the partners are to be shuffled.

The guest speaker was Yoongi;)

Bogum spin Taehyung.

Taehyung felt a warm, familiar hand holding his hand and pulling him to himself. 

"Hello beautiful honey lips!"

And Taehyung beamed with pleasure.


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