Part- 30 ~Bittersweet~

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Kindly ignore the mistakes:)


Two weeks slipped by very swiftly, three days before, Jeongguk flee away. The guards informed Bogum but he shrugged it saying, "He was to escape someday and he did. It is better than he is gone by himself without bothering me. Anyways, the King should not be acknowledged about this!" 

He thought that with Jeongguk, the dirty secret of his also had fled away. 

Dirty secret-- Bogum hiring goon to kidnap the prince and then him acting as a hero for Taehyung, saving him. Pretense. 


Whereas the other side, Taehyung was desperately waiting for his lover's arrival. It has been so long since he last embraced himself in Jeongguk. 

He miss Jeongguk's warm hugs, sweet kisses, tiny strokes he receive on his back of the head while lying on Jeongguk's chest.

He spent these two weeks waiting for Jeongguk.

Whenever there is even a little bustle, he runs to it only to get disheartened-- upon not seeing him.

He sat near his window, eyes searching for Jeongguk in whatever he saw. 

Hobi too was sad because he could neither contact Jeongguk nor Yoongi, anymore. 

Both Taehyung and Hobi lost hope because it was the day when Bogum and Taehyung were to get married. 

"The guard who helped me t-told me that Jeongguk has fled away. I d-don't get where they are. Tae, I am sorry." Hobi said in a gloomy tone.

"Hyung, it's ok." Taehyung replied with a smile that Hobi knew was forced. 

"I will go and freshen up. Mom must be coming with the wedding dress." Taehyung was glad he didn't stutter.

After a few minutes, crying silently in the shower, Taehyung walked out of the bathroom-- a stone wrapped in paper was thrown in his room from the window.

He picked it up and saw something was written in that crumpled piece of paper. He glanced at the window and then back at the paper.

He read: 

"I  apologize  for  the  delay  honey  lips…" 

And that was enough to make his heart feel lighter and squeal in happiness. 

He ran towards the window and the sight of his beloved made him tear up.

"Oh Jeongguk." He mumbled to himself, his eyes and heart heave a sigh of relief. 

Jeongguk gave a flying kiss to Taehyung making him chuckle.

Taehyung saw Jeongguk mumbling 'wait for me' and after looking at each other to their heart's contentment, he headed to execute the plan of his-- to free his lover and fight for the freedom he always craved for and deserved. 

Hobi barged into Taehyung's chamber, breathing heavily as he came running. 

"Tae… T-tae, he… the-they--" Hobi started.

"Hyung, breathe.. breathe. Calm down first." Taehyung said, giving Hobi a glass of water.

Hobi: "Tae, he is here. They are here. Oh my God!!!!"

Taehyung laughed at Hobi's over-excitement.

Taehyung showed Hobi the crumbled paper. 

Both hugged each other tight and grooved in excitement.

"He is here! My Ggukkie is here, hyung!" Taehyung said cheerfully.

Just a moment ago they were crying and everything felt gloomy-- but now the ambience was full of joviality. 

Hobi: "Yes and I am going to help them. Till then take care, Tae." Hobi left.


"Here take these uniforms. No one will suspect any of you then. And please guys be very careful. Don't make any kind of mistakes, not even a little mistake." Hobi explained giving the uniform of chefs and waiters to Jeongguk, Yoongi, Jackson and the gang. 

"We are humans and humans can make mistakes! We can't help it--" Yoongi said back to Hobi.

"I'm sure that the others would not make a mistake but you sure will because you're a cat. Right." Hobi said, rolling his eyes and except for Yoongi, everyone present there tried not to laugh. 

Yoongi said, making a proud face: "Excuse me! Keep your sassiness to yourself! You're just jealous of my looks." 

Hobi: "Jealous? Of a cat??--"

Jackson: "Hey guys stop it!" 

Jackson gestured to them to look at who was standing behind them.

Yoongi: "What? Why are you looking so pale??"

"What is happening here?? Who are you all??"

Everyone's eyes widened at the voice.

"Hobi." It was Taehyung's mother.

"Oh Q-Queen…" Hobi stuttered.

"Who are they and what is happening here?" She inquired again.

"Th-they are--" Hobi started but didn't know what to say.

Hobi told the Queen everything.

"Th-they will take Tae with them? What if they get ca-caught?? Oh my God, Hobi. This is perilous… what if--" Taehyung's mother, the Queen, mouthed.  

"Don't worry Miss, we are ready for any kind of consequences no matter how tricky it would be. I have vowed to myself and my love that I will not let anyone force him to do anything, anymore. I will take him with me. And I will make them pay who have hurt him all this time when I was away." Here came the voice of Jeongguk.

"Jeongguk. Jeongguk is my name." Jeongguk added.

"Be safe and good luck, I guess." She replied.

"Queen, you will help us right? If we need help from you." Hobi asked. At which the Queen nodded his head in agreement, mumbling, "I will try to."

"By the way, the theme is Masquerade." 

She added and all of them stared at each other.


I'd love to read ya'll's comment<3

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