{1} Kuroha

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"Come out, come out, wherever you are~" A dark voice sang followed by a few steps, the ebony haired male chuckled softly to himself as he opened each door one by one, taking a look inside to see if what he was looking for was there. Unfortunately, for him, he hadn't had any luck at all. On the other hand the other boy was quite relieved that he hadn't been found yet, he wasn't sure as to what he was going to do if he were to be found by Kuroha. The young boy was panicking by now and he had to place his hand over his mouth in order to keep quiet. His eyes were all puffy and red, his cheeks stained with tears. How had this happened? Everything had been normal that day up until now.

At the beginning the Dan had decided to take a little field trip out to the mall, it had been all of Momo's idea, and since no one really wanted to stay alone, besides the sleeping Konoha who hadn't woken up even after they had tried many times. They all set out, however, by the time they had come back from the mall, the atmosphere was eerie and there was no sign of Konoha. That's were it all started, first it had been Seto, then Kido, Momo, Kano, Shintaro, each and everyone of them. They were all killed. (Name)'s first instinct was to run and hide, knowing that he wouldn't be able to do anything about the other one. He really couldn't do anything to save the others, no matter how much he wanted to, he just couldn't bring himself to stand up to Kuroha.

And so he now sat in one of the closets, whimpering softly to himself as he tried to keep as quiet as possible, hoping that the dark haired male wouldn't find him. Moments later he heard footsteps from the other end of the hallway, he held his breath as he bit his finger, closer and closer the footsteps came. The closer they were the louder they sounded to (Name), they echoed loud in his head, and each second that passed he just became more and more agitated and scared. Finally the steps came to a stop, the young boy sighed out softly but soon froze when he heard a knock. "Knock Knock, anybody in there~?" He heard the other say, two more knocks came to the door, "No need to be shy, come on out." Kuroha chuckled to himself before grabbing onto the doorknob. "Well if you're not coming out then I'm going in."

Even if (Name) had the door locked, that didn't matter, the other boy broke it, having the albino's body gave him the upper hand after all. He pushed the door open before he looked inside. All the while the (hair color) haired male held his breath once more right before jumping towards the other, trying to land a kick on him. However, it didn't seem to work since the other male had managed to grab him rather easily. "Here you are." Kuroha smiled rather insanely at the shorter male before gently swinging his hand to one side, letting go of (Name)'s leg, having him land against the wall as he let out a yelp of pain. The other just smiled at that before he walked over to him, reaching down, he grabbed the younger boy by the neck before lifting him up. "Well aren't you a cute one." He chimed out, tightening his grip around his neck.

(Name) quickly lifted his hands up to his neck, trying to get the other's hand off, however, it was no use, he couldn't get him to let go. All of the oxygen was being cut off as he tried his best to kick or do something to make the other loosen the grip. "This was fun, but, I'm getting bored of this already. Why don't we play some other time?" He heard Kuroha say as his arms began to weaken, no longer being able to try and pull the other's off his neck and all the while his eyes began to close. "I promise it'll be fun." (Name)'s eyes closed shut, "Sweet Dreams~ Hehehehe~"

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