{2} Haruka Nanase

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"They're here again today..." Mumbled the dark blue haired male as he slowly swam across the pool. He had noticed that almost every single day, this certain boy came by, he wasn't sure if he wanted to join the club or what exactly he wanted but he was always there. Haru wasn't entirely bothered by it, though this was mostly because he didn't pay attention to him. Because if he did then he would've noticed that (Name) would often stare at him while he was swimming, whether they were practicing or he was just randomly swimming, his eyes would follow the other male around. Though the only reason why he was seen there often, besides wanting to stare at the taller male, was because he was friends with Nagisa and were in the same class. So he had the excuse of coming over and talking to the short blonde.

He as well as Makoto had noticed (Name)'s staring of Haru and had been wanting to ask but had decided against it because it might not be the reason that they were currently thinking of. However, Nagisa being the type of person he was, decided to ask the other. And that was exactly what he was currently doing, walking up to the (color)-haired male he stopped in front of him. His hands behind his back and a wide smile on his face. The other male just gave him a small smile, a bit curious as to what he had walked over to him for. "Ne, (Name)-chan," He spoke cheerfully as his lips stayed curled in a wide smile. "What is is Nagisa-kun?" Questioned the slightly taller male, "Is it true that you like Haru-chan?" At first (Name) wouldn't have minded the question much, however, it seemed that the blonde had asked at a terrible time since Haru had been climbing out of the pool then and happened to overhear the question. This caused his to take a couple of steps closer to the other two and blink his eyes a couple of times as he stared at (Name).

This only caused his eyes to widen in slight shock and his cheeks burned a deep shade of red, "I...I.." He stuttered out, "Is that why you're always staring at him?" Nagisa added on after the male's stuttered reply. "I don't know what you're talking about!!" He exclaimed as he stood up from his seat and quickly ran past the two of them. However, as he was running he happened to slip and this caused him to fall into the pool. Unprepared for that (Name) ended up taking in water, his eyes closed, and he fell unconscious.

As he regained consciousness and opened his eyes he noticed that he was currently staring up at a ceiling. Sitting up on what seemed to be a bed, he couldn't help but cough out as his throat hurt. Probably due to all of that water that he had taken in. (Name) noticed that he wasn't wearing his uniform and that his closed were now different, someone must have changed him from the wet ones. The (color)-haired male sighed softly to himself as he stared around the room, now seeing that he was in the nurse's office of the school. It seems like someone had ended up bringing him here after the accident. And just as he thought that he was alone, the person who he least wanted to see showed up. There in front of him stood Haru is his team's jersey. "Haruka-San!" He exclaimed as he felt his face heat up. He averted his gaze from the other male's form and stared down at the sheets. Seconds later the dark blue haired male approached the be, "Ne, (Name)." He said, though the other male didn't respond and stayed quiet. "....Is it true that you like me?" The boy said after a moment, all the while the shorter make couldn't help but feel his face heat up even more as he slowly and hesitantly nodded his head.

The room fell silent for a moment and (Name) really wished that he could just die about now, however, he thought differently when Haru spoke out once again. "Well...I feel the same way about you as well." The shorter male's eyes widened at this and he quickly lifted his head up to look at Haru, "R-Really?" He questioned, the only reply he got from the other was a small smile and a small kiss to the forehead, "Really."

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