{5} Izaya Orihara (Lemon)

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Heavy, hot, wet pants, grunts, as well as moans could be heard throughout the whole apartment. Some were short and soft while others were long and loud, whimpers and whines could also be heard, rather unsure how it all had started but now neither of the two could care about who had started what and where things were thrown off to. All that the shorter male knew was that his ebony haired lover was pounding harshly into him, clinging onto him as the younger male dragged his nails down his back, earning a couple groans of pain mixed in with pleasure from him.

Continuous moans escaped past his lips as Izaya thrusted harshly into him, enjoying every single minute of it as he arched his back once he managed to hit a certain spot inside of the younger male, "Ahh~..I-Izaya-!" (Name) cried out as he clung more to him, all the while Izaya smirked down at him, noticing his cry, he took this chance to abuse that certain spot in him. The young man thrusted harder as he hit the same spot over and over again, causing (Name) to cry each and every single time. Making him dig his nails slightly more into the pale skin of his back, the ebony haired's hands gripping his waist more as if he were trying to leave a bruise there, which he actually was but neither of the two really cared.

"I-I'm...coming Izaya!~" He exclaimed as his hold on him tightened, clamping down on his length as the shorter male came for the third time that night, arching his back and shaking slightly as he as well. The sadistic male's smirk grew wider as he did so, groaning out heavily as he felt how much tighter he had gotten around him, though his thrusts didn't stop there, he was so close now and he wasn't going to be giving (Name) a chance to rest. He hammered into the younger male, still feeling sensitive from his release he whimpered out and moaned out loudly as he did so. Going deeper within (Name), he could feel as his stomach tightened once again, feeling as if he was going to come for a fourth time.

This didn't seem to be one of the things that Izaya cared about, for he was showing the younger male no mercy as he hammered his hips against his own, his grip on his waist tightening a bit more as he did so. And soon after a few thrusts or so, he heard as Izaya cried out, releasing his seed deep inside of him as he arched his back and moaned out loudly once again. The feeling of him coming inside of the shorter male had caused for a fourth orgasm from him. The ebony haired male thrusted his hips for a while longer before he finally came to a stop, panting heavily above him as he was panting just as, if not, more heavily than he was. (Name)'s chests rising and falling at a rapid pace. "You were wonderful once again, (Name)-chan~" He purred out as he nuzzled his neck, peppering it with kisses before he pulled out of him with a groan and finally laid right next to him.

"I've..t-told you...many times to...to hold back.." He said in between pants as he glared a small bit at him, the dark haired male never listened to his please when he would tell him to slow down or to hold back. He just wouldn't do as (Name) told him. The shorter male felt as he wrapped his arms around him and brought him close to the ebony haired, "How can I hold myself back when you're just this appealing~" Izaya purred out as he groped his length causing him to moan out due to how sensitive he still was. The short male blushed as he swatted his hand away, "J-Just go to bed already.." (Name) muttered out as he pulled the covers over the two of you, "I love you, (Name)-chan~" He cooed before he closed his eyes and nuzzled close to him. He sighed out before pressing a kiss to his forehead, "Yeah, I love you too Izaya."

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