{10} L Lawliet

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 Generally the smaller male wouldn't mind this at all, the fact that the taller ebony-haired male would laze about the the office and just eat sweets whenever he felt like it, that was totally fine for (Name). At times he could even care less about what the other male was doing, this was mostly because he wasn't bothered unless he was needed, and he liked that. However, it seemed like L had some other type of idea this time around and so the odd male had been currently holding a staring contest with the smaller of the two. Of course he was unsure as to why that was, but he wouldn't stop staring at him, it was starting to get to him though he kept on doing his best to just ignore him, finally being able to tear his gaze from the other male. One would question as to why the (Color)-haired male wasn't asking the other male why he was continuously staring at him, but then again he figured that he didn't want to know at all.

Then again....(Name) knew exactly why he was staring at him, but he wasn't going to say anything about it, not even giving in to telling him to stop looking at him. Seeing that he currently had a small cake all to himself, though it had been a while that the smaller male had even had any sweets himself, so he was just currently enjoying himself. And he wasn't going to be sharing any of them either, so the ebony-haired man needed to just look away and get started on whatever work he had to do. Though it seemed like that wasn't going to happen at all, because soon enough he broke the silence. "Ne, you wanna share?" He questioned, the smaller of the two just stared up at the ceiling a small bit as he sighed out heavily, why?! Why couldn't he just keep quiet and mind his own business?

Finally turning over to look at the rather disheveled man, he raised a sly brow as he just stared at him for a moment. Clearly his answer had been given with his expression, "So...yes.." The other mumbled out as his gaze traveled to the cake, watching as (Name) took another piece and then plopped it into his mouth, raising both eyebrows this time the smaller male just cocked his head a small bit to the side, it saying mostly 'What do you think?' This only caused the other male to swallow, why was the smaller male being so unfair? Well he kinda knew that already but he didn't want to admit it, he knew that he would lose this is he were to admit as to why he didn't want to share with him. Even so, he should be nice and share, but he knew that wasn't going to happen of its own accord.

"Fine." Mumbled L as he swirled around in his chair and went back to working on the computer, to this the short male smiled softly to himself and turned around as well, deciding that paying attention to the ebony-haired male would only cause problems, and he happily ate away at his cake. Taking piece by piece, just savoring the taste of the sweet dessert. However, in a moment that he had let his guard down he felt as the utensil was taken from his hand, quickly looking over he noticed the taller male about to put the piece that it held into his mouth and as if it was some sort of reaction all on its own he jumped over and caught it in his mouth, eating it himself as he pouted a small bit, narrowing his eyes a small bit at L. "Why?" Questioned the older of the two. "Nuu.." Whined (Name), quickly chewing the piece and swallowing as he reached over for the utensil, trying to get it back.

"Just a piece, come on (Name)." He said softly as he tried reaching over, "No, none for you." All the while he had been saying that the other had taken another piece of the little that remained of the cake and once again the smaller male just jumped and caught it again, "I said no." Narrowing his eyes at the taller man, "Tch..fine.." And he thought that he had won, that there was no need to worry about the other taking his dessert, though the next thing he knew he had pressed his lips against his own and had forced open his mouth, L's tongue slithered into his mouth as he soon took the few pieces from his mouth, and he soon pulled away after that. Licking his lips he looked down at the short male, "You're not fair!" He heard him whine, "You always do this, you never share your treats with me and you always expect me to share with you." He huffed as he took the utensil form his hand and continued to eat the remaining of the cake. "I do share," He said simply as he leaned in closer once again, (Name) just stared at him and gave him a look that clearly said, 'When was that?'

Though his lips were captured by the other male once again and though he was aggravated he still kissed back a small bit, pulling away a moment later he just stared at the taller male waiting for his answer, "But kisses are the sweetest." He said simply and (Name)'s eyes narrowed even further, "Just go back to whatever you were doing," Turning him around he pushed him towards his chair, "I'm gonna make you share with me from now on." He mumbled out as he crossed his arms and pouted a small bit. "(Name)." Turning his head around his lips were captured in another sweet kiss, though this time the smaller male pulled away, "That's not gonna cut it, that doesn't make up for anything." Watching L walk back to his chair as he shrugged his shoulders. "You're going to share next time!"  


Oh, look two updates in a short period of time, guys this is a miracle! XD Nah, I just had some time and this idea just kinda came to me...so yeah here it is, hope you guys like it, it's just more fluff owo 

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