{14} KnB Omegaverse Headcanons

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How They Got Together....

[I also take requests for things like these owo also these are just the pairings that I prefer ^^]

KagaKuro: This is actually a rather funny story, at the beginning Kagami had been trying to drop small hints to the smaller Omega, but nothing really seemed to be working. Mostly because it seemed like the blue-haired didn't notice anything that was being hinted by the redhead. And of course this led the Alpha to try and figure out how he would confess to the smaller male. Well it seemed like that had been his first mistake, and the second mistake was that he had been practicing. That was one of the biggest mistakes of his life, because while the Alpha was practicing, may I say in secret, he eventually heard the Omega speak. This caused him to become very embarrassed and he would've ended up passing out...well actually he ended up passing out, (Nigou was there as well so that's why) though when he came to, Kuroko made sure to be the first to speak, leaving a rather speechless Kagami (it seems like he had watched him through all of his confession practices) who was turning paler by the moment. However, the blue haired Omega ended up confessing himself and a somewhat light headed Kagami accepted before once again being "attacked" by Nigou.

MidoTaka: This is something which neither of them want to talk about, especially about the night of the eleventh, that shall remain a mystery to others and even themselves, at least it was something that shouldn't be spoken about in public and it was embarrassing to even talk about it amongst themselves. However, after that night they acted as if nothing had happened and well they were the usual for some time, until Takao began to tease the green haired male about what he usually did. And of course the kind of person that he was, he had to bring up a certain thing from that time, though it seemed like he had played it off as another type of taunt.Thinking that it would work as it always did and that he would get a rather rude response from the taller male. It didn't seem like what the Omega had really think things through because the next thing he knew was that Midorima had agreed with what he said, meaning that the Alpha had confessed to him, something that was quite unbelievable. Not to mention that it had happened right in the middle of the hallway, this of course caused Takao to blush furiously and just hug the other male as he buried his face against his chest, saying something along the lines of 'Shin-Chan, you idiot!'

MuraHimu: Now these two were pretty clear to see, everyone knew this was going to happen and no one, not even themselves could deny it. It had happened a few days after their match with Seirin, at first Mura had thought that what he had been feeling towards the Omega was just a kind of hate, or maybe something along the lines of wanting to crush him. However he had noticed that it was completely different to that kind of feeling, since he would feel slightly more vicious when around him, and he really couldn't stop staring or rather glaring at him for it. To say the least Himuro had noticed this and had tried asking the Alpha about it but nonetheless it was useless since the purplehead wouldn't tell him anything. Eventually one day after practice, they had been the last ones in the locker room and of course he took this chance to attack the slightly shorter Omega, at first the ebony haired male was slightly surprised by the other's actions though soon after hearing him speak and having been told what exactly he felt he couldn't really help but just laugh at him, though he was soon shut up by the Alpha.

AoKise: This one was rather funny to be exact, it had happened during the weekend when Kise had asked the Alpha is they could meet up for a one-on-one, of course at first the tanned male had rejected all of the blonde's requests, saying that he wasn't feeling any good or that he had things going on. However, in the end he gave up after all of the beggin that the Omega had done, and so they ended up meeting at the park. Of course the Alpha was still not up for the game and so he began to complain, even so he still played a game against Kise. Though towards the end while the Omega had been talking the blue-haired male ignored the slightly shorter one as he had been staring at a bunch of girls, well more like he had been staring at their chest, this of course caused Kise to get upset and he left suddenly. This not going unnoticed by Aomine, he followed after him asking what the hell was wrong with him, which the blonde only ignored. Not until he had been turned around by the Alpha did he notice that the blonde was crying, this caused some confusion on Aomine, which then Kise began to blab out things about not being able to have all of the Alpha's attention and that he was sorry for not having a rather large chest. This just caused the bluenette to burst out in laughter, to that Kise had just pouted and turned around, though not after a moment was he turned back around and was kissed by the other male, after having pulled away did he explain that he didn't have to worry since he had caught his attention quite some time back.

AkaFuri: One wouldn't exactly have expected this to happen, neither of the two saw each other except for at the game, and even then it was their first meeting. Though due to that he had caught the Alpha's interest and of course since he knew Kuroko he made sure to ask him about the young Omega, trying to get as much information on the shorter male, of course the light bluenette thought that that was pretty creepy but even so he gave everything he knew of Furihata away to the redhead. And after having known most things about the young male, he began to court him, well he would call it court but it was more like he would intimidate him by staring intensely at the young Omega, so he never really got too far because after having stared at him he would try and speak with him but Furi would just end up running away. Eventually when they got together for Kuroko's birthday, he hadn't expected the brunette to be there, but he didn't dislike that he was there instead he thought that it was a great opportunity and he took it. Though he made his move after the party had ended, because he managed to drag the poor boy outside and well it didn't really work out at the beginning, the Omega was too scared to say anything or to even listen. Eventually Akashi grew impatient and annoyed and ended up blurting out his confession to which Furihata just froze, soon after his face heated up so he had been as bright as a tomato. Now that the other had stopped moving about and had at least stopped shaking the Alpha took the chance to lean in and pressed a rough kiss to the Omega's lips, causing the other to whimper beneath him and grip his shirt. Though he eventually calmed down and when they pulled away Akashi couldn't help but smirk but then again a second later Furihata ended up fainting.

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