{13} BNHA Nightmare Scenarios

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Haven't updated this in a while XD But uhhh, yeah just going to leave these here XD Hope you guys like them nonetheless owo


[This will take after they have all moved to the dorms, it makes more sense that way XD]

Midoriya Izuku: {I'm more of a Uke!Izuku but eh, he'll be Seme}

The freckled boy isn't much of a light sleeper, so it takes him quite some time to be able to open his eyes and fully wake up. Though this mostly being because he continuously keeps hearing light taps coming from somewhere, after coming to and actually knowing what is going on he figures that it's coming from his door. More exactly they're not just random taps but they're actually knocks. Sighing out the small male finally decides to get up and he slowly makes his way to his door, slowly opening it as he looked outside, seeing a rather meek (Name) standing there. At first he would be confused as to what he's doing there, seeing that the other boy's room was on two floors above his, so it was rather strange of him to even be on his floor. Raising an eyebrow he was going to question what he was doing there but before he even got the chance to he felt how the other boy just wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled into him, sniffling a small bit as he did so. Sighing out softly Izuku just wrapped his arms around the boy in a protective manner as he gently rubbed his back. "Alright, I understand," He said simply as he headed back into his room with (Name), closing the door behind them before he made his way over towards his bed. Getting in along with the other boy who just seemed to nuzzle even further into him, "What was it this time?" The freckled boy hummed out as he stared at the other sleepily. "There were shadows.." (Name) breathed out as his hold on Izuku got stronger, "My hands and feet were being impaled..." "It's alright, I won't let anything happen to you, I'll protect." The other just whimpered softly as burrowed even further, trembling a small bit before finally relaxing a bit, it didn't take long for both of them to fall asleep right after that.

Bakugou Katsuki:

At the first know the ash blonde had opened his eyes, that's how much of a light sleeper he is, at least that's what it seemed to be this time around. However, being the kind of guy that he is he just decided to ignore it and tried going back to sleep. It didn't really work out, that damn annoying tapping wouldn't end, no matter how much he ignored it, it wouldn't go the fuck away! Grumbling softly to himself he managed to get out of his bed a he made his way towards the door, swinging it open he glared harshly at the smaller male who stood in front of him, "It's the middle of the fucking night, just what exactly do you want?" He growled out as he narrowed his eyes at the other male. Though he would've expected him to flinch or anything really, but this time it didn't seem like that's what (Name) was going to be doing. "C-Can I sleep..in..in here?" He mumbled out softly, stuttering along the way but even so it was a soft mumbled. "Of course you can't fucking sleep in here, go back to your damn room and stop annoying me." As rude as he was being, it was mostly because he had been rudely woken up by said male in front of him. Though the rather harsh sentence had only made the other whimper softly and his eyes to glaze over. This caused Bakugou to sort of panic a small bit, "I mean..." He groaned out in annoyance as he just pulled (Name) in, "Fine, just once you get in the bed go to sleep, dammit." He grumbled out as he got back into bed only this time he had the smaller male nuzzling against his side, "What was it?" He grunted, "...I was slowly being drowned.." He whispered out, sighing out shakily as he just got closer to the blonde, "I couldn't grab anything even though it was so close.." He felt as (Name)'s hands gripped his shirt, sighing out Bakugou just wrapped an arm around him. "It's fine, now get some sleep. I'll be here if anything happens." With that being said he felt as the other boy relaxed against him and soon he could feel his slow breathing, and in no time it had been his turn to fall asleep.

Todoroki Shouto:

There had absolutely been no way that he would've expected to be woken up by the ringing of his phone. It wasn't like it was his alarm, it was completely different, to be exact it was (Name)'s ringtone which wasn't exactly something he was expecting at this hour. Shifting a small bit the bi-color haired male reached over for his phone, staring at the screen rather sleepy to be precise, he made sure that it indeed said the other boy's name. Finally answering, pressing the phone to his ear as he groaned out, "Hello, (Name), what is it?" Maybe he had little to no knowledge as to what was going on, but he was awake enough to understand the following words, "Shouto....m-make them stop.." At this small whisper the male just hummed softly and he was soon getting out of bed, yawning softly as he walked out of his room, closing the door behind himself as he then headed towards the elevator, "How long has it been?" He hummed softly as he waited for said ding, "A-About an hour," (Name) Usually didn't resort to making him walk down towards his room unless his nightmares got out of hand, so the fact that he hadn't been able to go back to sleep after about an hour made things clear. "What have you been doing?" He questioned again, just trying to make it so that the other didn't feel like he was alone, "Hiding under the blankets," There really was nothing to hide and there was absolutely no reason for him to lie about it either. After a moment Todoroki had gotten onto the elevator and had started heading down one floor, it didn't take long to arrive and just a few more seconds and he was standing in front of the door. "I'm here," He said softly, reaching out for the doorknob and soon turning it, seeing that the door was unlocked. Turning off his phone he walked in to see a ball, that's how it appeared to him, on the other's bed. "Why don't you lock your door?" Seeing (Name) peek out his head from underneath, "But then you wouldn't be able to come in.." He whimpered softly as he soon pulled the bi-color haired male into the bed with him, nuzzling into the other as he whimpered once again. "Something kept gnawing on me...it wouldn't stop.." "I'll keep you safe," Todoroki pressed a small kiss to the top of the other male's head before wrapping his arms around him, waiting for him to fall asleep before he did so himself.

Shinsou Hitoshi:

Sleep was definitely something that Shinou got much of, that could be seen due to the bags under his eyes. Therefore it was no surprise that he answered the door to his room rather quickly, his expression was indifferent as he stared down at the other boy that now stood in front of him. It was a rather bored expression, and he really held no interest in whatever (Name) had to say. "Could I st-stay with you today?" He questioned, well it was rather weird since it was literally the middle of the night and these type of questions were asked when everyone would start heading to bed. "Just go back to your room, (Name). I'll repeat it once again, they're not real, it's just some mind trick now go back to bed." He said tiredly as he just frowned. Watching as the smaller male wrapped his arms around himself and began to tremble slightly, "But they feel so real...so very real..." He whimpered out as he bit his lower lip, almost as if he was trying to hold back any other noise. Sighing out Shinsou passed a hand through his hair as he looked off to the side and eventually his gaze came back around to (Name). "Come on." He reached over, grabbing the other boy's arm as he pulled him inside of his room, closing the door behind him as he then decided to walk towards his bed, deciding that it would be best to just head to bed himself since he now seemed to have company. "They're just there to scare you," He said simply as he got in bed with the smaller male, having his arms wrapped around the taller boy, Shinsou had one arm around him as he slowly rubbed his back. "I-I...I was being burned alive...no one helped.." (Name) whimpered out as he just buried himself further against the taller male. "I screamed and screamed...no one.." He breathed out, "That won't ever happen, I'll make them stop," Shinsou had said as he then wrapped his other arm around the smaller male, holding him in a protective manner as he waited for him to fall asleep, and soon enough he did. It was strange though, whenever he had the other boy with him he somehow managed to fall asleep as quickly as he closed his eyes, that night was no different, as soon as his eyes had closed he was out like a light.

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