{4} Midorima Shintarou

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In a way, one would say that (Name) was a bit jealous of each and every single lucky item that the green-haired basketball player had around him. Why? Well it was mostly because he never let go of them and he always kept them close. Not only that but when they would disappear he would end up freaking out and he would begin to start to look for them. And that someone that the (H/C)-haired male didn't like about it. Sure they would hang out sometimes, after all they were currently dating so it was only natural for them to be around each other.

However, Midorima didn't seem to act the same way, since he would tend to be angry or annoyed, unlike the younger male who was somewhat cheerful and actually enjoyed the other's company, he didn't act as distant as the Shooting Guard was like towards him from time to time....or at least all of the time. It was terrible and he didn't like it one bit, he wanted it to change. Well maybe the shorter male was starting to be a bit needy and whiny about all of this but he couldn't help it.

The only one who usually took the initiative was always him, never the taller male. If they were to hold hands, (Name) would have to take his hand and if they were to kiss he would also have to be the first to land a kiss on the other male's lips. Though he understood that Midorima wasn't entirely the type of guy who showed much interest towards romantic actions, then again he wasn't much of a romantic guy to begin with and that was fine with the shorter male, but at times he just wanted him to at least try or start something.

Currently the (H/C)-haired male was walking out of practice, being in the basketball team as well as his own romantic partner was an advantage, at least he got to see him more often than he would if he would have a different club or sport. And since he had been one of the first to walk out of the showers and the locker room he had to wait for the others, meaning his own boyfriend and Takao...someone who would always tag along no matter what he was told. And so far (Name) had given up in trying to chase the dark haired male away, since it wasn't proving to work in the first place.

He sighed softly before he leaned up against the wall as he waited patiently. Thinking for a moment as to what he could do in order to get the green-haired male's attention. He tapped his chin for a moment as he hummed softly, something he usually did when he thought. "Maybe..." He mumbled softly to himself, as he did so he managed to get some weird looks from the other players that had finished and had began to make their way out. They knew that he was up to something and it was better for them to leave now than to get caught up in whatever he was scheming.

On the other hand a certain green-haired male had just finished up with showering and had been in the middle of changing when he noticed something. His lucky item for the day was missing, he blinked a few times to himself before it finally processed through his head. He began to quickly look around for said item, seeing if he had left it under some of his clothes, no, maybe inside of his bag, no. Maybe he left it in the gym, the basketball player quickly changed and began to exit out of the locker room, seeing that most of the other team members had left already, not that he cared or thought of it to be important to begin with.

Looking around the gym he couldn't seem to find the item he was looking for, it was a bit strange for him to not be able to fine it. Unless...."Takao!" He yelled out before he turned around. Though in the blink of an eye he couldn't see anymore, he blinked once again. Everything seemed blurry, finally figuring out that his glasses had been taken off his face. He looked around, though he was unable to see of course. However, he doubted that he wouldn't be able to see someone if they were close enough to take off their glasses. Though he had forgotten that they might be shorter than his line of sight.

He began to turn around in order to see where they were, but no one was around...well then maybe it wasn't Takao. All the while (Name) had been hiding behind his back, trying his hardest not to laugh out loud since this seemed to be pretty funny, seeing how much the taller male was starting to panic. This should teach him not to ignore his lover. Finally after a moment of messing with the other male, "Ne, Shintarou." He called out, this only caused the other male to turn around though he was caught off guard when he felt the other male's lips being pressed against his own.

The shorter male smirked slightly against them as he wrapped his arms around the taller male's neck, pulling him closer to him and deepening the kiss. He bit Midorima's lower lip in an attempt to get him to open up and it worked, the other male gasped softly which gave the other the chance to slip his tongue through his lips and into his wet cavern. He let his tongue roam around, exploring every nook and cranny before he rubbed his wet appendage against the other male's. This only caused a moan to slip past the green-haired male's and that's when (Name) decided to pull back and slip his glasses back on.

"So you had my glasses..." He mumbled out as he stared down at the shorter male and panted softly, "I also have your lucky item." The shorter basketball player said as he held out the item and stuck out his tongue. This only caused the green-haired male to glare slightly down at his lover. "Oh uh, someone seems mad." The short boy teased before he leaned in and pressed a small kiss on the other's neck and then left a trail up his neck towards his ear. "Will you be punishing me?" He whispered into his ear before he nibbled on the earlobe. The next thing he knew he was being dragged out of the gym by the green-haired male. Knowing exactly where they were heading.

Even if the other did show more attention to his items, (Name) didn't seem to mind it much since they were a way to always get Midorima's attention, so maybe he liked the way things currently were.


So hope you guys like this one, first author's note in this thing ^-^

Anyway, I usually don't like to write two characters of the same Anime consecutively but I just couldn't help myself in writing this one.

But anyway, I also published a story, it's just going to be a quick one anyone, plus it's also Yaoi, so make sure you guys check it out. So thank you for taking the time to read all of these one-shots as well for all of the votes and the few comments I get.

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