≋Want you≋

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A/n:(Song showed is for later in chater)

I wake up to my siblings bouncing on my bed screeching.

"Dreamie! Wakey!!" Tommy huffed.

"I'm up- I'm up where-" I started before butted by tubbo.

"Moring bubby!" Tubbo Said.

"Ow- moring tubs and toms mind getting out so bubby can get ready? Go ask mama to make breakfast in the meantime" I'd say.

And off they got running to be kaodic, Tommy was a raccon, we found him abounded in a forest and he and tubbo who is a ghoat clicked so we adopted him.

I'd yawn and strech going to my closet picking out a oversize pastle green dark green and white hoodie with a sliver skirt and cat stockings, then headed to the showers, and got dressed.

I'd walk out and went to see we had pancakes on the menu.

"Morin mama" I'd say with a soft yawn sitting.

"Morin dre how'd you sleep?" Mom asked.

"Fine, just really didn't want to wake up" I'd yawn again.

"I get that" mom said giveing me food.

And then like that I start to head to school humming 'softie with anger issues', of crouse I take my siblings to school aswell and when I arrive to school I sigh.

"Here we go again" I mutter and head into the building going to my locker, and getting what I need ninja walking up.

"Hey cupcake" he'd say.

"Leave me alone I'm not interested" I'd snap at him pushing him away trying to go away but he grabed me.

"Your dad said as soon as we're in hi-" he started.

"Dad was drunk. Mom and he had a fight and they called that off so cut it out!" I'd snap pulling my arm away and stormed off not forgetting to hit him with my backpack.

"Ow! Cupcake you will be mine" ninja growled.

"Over my dead body" I'd snare back.

I could hear the poplar boys whispering as I left and booked it down the halls to my class.

Impossible boys
"God damn that was hot-" sapnap said quietly.

"I don't think ninja will ever leave the cutie alone" punz whispered back.

"M.. you think we have a chnace with pretty boy?" karl said quietly tail swaying.

"nah hell be mine and ninjas" george said from across the way

"to hell he wont" karl said.

"I mean who doesn't want us- we get swarmed daily.. that boy is diffrent and I can tell we all like that" illuima said.

"Hes a softie and seemly a loner so we have a high chnace- so maybe we start helping him with the blueberry and he'll give us a chnace?" Wilbur sudjested in his lovely accent.

The rest nodded.

"So step one befriend a cutie" techno said softly, he hardly talks.

"Excally piggy, now let's get to class" fundy sqeeked.

We'd go to class walking in to see the softie that's so perfect in everything back by where we sit quackity went up.

"Hey shawty~ how you doin" Quackity flirted.

His tail flicked and he'd look at us.

"What do the poplar boys want from little old me?" Dream said with an amused look on his face tail moving.

"You" sapnap said grabing the boys waist kissing his cheek.

Dream giggled "prove it panda"

"Deal" the group said going to there seat.

Well~ tough to get huh

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