≋A hickey is now a soul-mark?≋

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Soon class was over, and we all got up dream dismounted Mr.alpha wolf and looked to all of us kissing our cheeks before walking off leaving us all bright red.

"Why is he so hot? But such a tease"  Karl whined in a sqeeky bunny tone.

"Mm just means a little more work- but so worth it" sapnap purred out softly, knowing damn well what he was picturing by how his tail  curlled  into a small heart at the end.

"M.. Honstly  agree with that thought sap" me and wilbur said.

Sapnap chuckled as we headed out to our spot of crose get that fan club.

"Now- ladies hate to break it to ya, well not really but we're gay" illuima said growling a bit.

"Don't fall into that mindset, I can be so much better then one of  lover then a male" rheyd sqeek out as little needy puppy's.

"Off of me! I'm not into you never will be seria" I hissed pushing her off the rest of the group did to.. they'd whine and give us hoe reasons  why.

"Don't really  care try someone who asked for hoes wanting there dicks I didn't order one" sapnap said snarky.

"Same" the rest of us said they all got up running crying at rejection, we know they'll be back. But for now free!

I'd look over to dream who was grabing his books as a blueberry defaulted muffin comes back and pinned him.

"What the fuck dream you cheated on me  with the poplar   Douche  boys" he'd say.

Dream whines tail going down same with his soft ears. Before he snaped and pushed or tried to he picked up dream.

"Boys look" I said pointing.

"What the hell is his actual problem" wilbur hissed.

"He called kissing illia cheating" I snicker "but yeah he's getting on my nervers"

We'd walk over.

"Can't help but to notice a problem?" illumia  said punching ninjas hurt arm and he'd yelp he was in dreams neck..

When we freeded the boy we desperately  want from someone his dad drunkly set up with him we checked him for any marks.. a slight hickey.

"I marked him he's ours" ninja  repeated for the 75th time.

"Hickey. Still illumias mark is stronger" Karl lied like illumia marked him.

"Dream your dirty chea-" George started.

"Hes no cheater cause he was never with ya, and seems he wants us" Quackity  said "don't make us get sapnaps sister"

Nijia started a growling match and well illuimia won that quickly.

"You really just keep challenging  illiuma  to know you can win against  him conserving he was trained by the ulitma" sapnap said coldly.. dream clung onto my wasit.

Nijia stomped "just give us the sliver dear it's not that hard, his dad said he's mine therefore he is" ninja snarled.

"He did it drunk, and when sobber said he took it back.." dream said quietly.

"His dad took it back, so kindly leave our babydoll alone" I said coldly, eyes flickering same with the lights "fuck off now"

Ninja  jumped and ran down whimpering.

"Fucking  liaer is scared of the dark- what a shit mate for who he gets" Quackity  said luaghing.

Dream giggled softly  wanting up and I gladly did so.

Well then..

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