≋dulce ciervo≋

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"Acting aragont aren't we?" Quackity teased.

I'd sigh and roll my eyes "m.. well what if I was  what would you do?" I said cocky.

"Nothin. We want you as ours" sapnap repated for the 40th time.

"You've said before panda" I'd giggle.

"Well I mean we certainly did get ya" illuima commented "dipped over a bathtub"

I turned  red "horney basterd!" I'd hiss.

"Aye you asked for it, we did you we get to comment about that amzing exprince" punz said proudly "but do we get you or that just a hookup?"

I looked to him "Dunno I have illuimas yours, and sapnaps marks on my body you imbcle" Dream growled "idk what was it"

The three went red "we climed you as our mate" they'd mutter.

"Uh so what is my answer to yall wanting me" I replied.

"Yes you will be ours" fundy said hopeful.

"The fox is a smart one" I giggle and skipped off.

"Get back hereee" Karl screamed "bugs"

I soon stoped backing into wilbur when I saw my ex you walked to me.. I whined and hid into wilbur.

"What's worng  dear?" Wilbur said as everyone went protective.

"H..he's my ex" I said quietly.

Techno got between us as my ex tried to contorl me but failed.

"He got some new mates" Quackity  said wings puffing.

"What senice when did i-" my ex said.

"I descided to be a good boy and get fat cock" I sqeeked out looking at the three that kindly donated ass pains to me.

They'd smirk and winked at me.

My ex made a fus about me being his frist and I need to become his again.

"No face it he wants us" techno growled  pushing the boy back in a tree and starched him harshly.

My ex was on the floor bleeding with my alphas above him snarling "leave our pup alone or we will rip you in half" punz snarled

I just snuggled into wilbur as they carry me off to a diffrent feild.

"Ours." They'd say.

"All yours" I'd replay

They'd smile and hold me spoiling me in affection, I love it all. Alot

"You guys are so sweet" I say as karl put a flower crown on me.

"For you, we are. And only yo-"sapnap said softly.

"dearling whyndont ypu come with us, were better" george whine.

"to hell youre not" I repiled.

They'd  smile and kissed me deeply.

"We wanted this with you for forever" fundy said.

"and you idoits aint ruining it for us" Techno grumbled.

When the kiss broke I smiled "I could tell but the frist thing sapnap said to me and how eager the three wore to bend me over that tub" I'd replay.

"We'd do it again" the trio said.

"I'm certain  you will, if not everyone  else will aswell" I'd say.

"Damn right we will advently" the rest said.

I'd giggle softly "adorble simps"

"What if out princes want the dick, the dick he will get" quackity said "dulce ciervo"

I blink at him "no hablo español" I'd say.

"He called you sweet deer luv" Karl said softly.

The rest of the group lugahed "I only know how to say I don't speak it in spainsh"

"Cute" they'd say.

Yes I used Google translate  so- teoriaticly  dulce ciervo should be sweet deer.

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