≋we done fucked up≋

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The  next day at school  we wore planing on ingoreing the three but saw wilbur walk in with them and came to talk to us.

"Dream has something  he'd like to say the whole group if you'd could come our of pissbaby land for a few minutes that'll he nice" he said before going over to the jackasses... there the horny fucks for sure.

"I'm curious.. maybe he wants to give us the turn?" karl said walking over followed by us.

"What you want to tell us?" Fundy asked tail wagging a bit..

Dream was in sapnaps arms and he sighed.

"Everything I did yesterday was a hint... I wanted to sudence  you guys last night.. and well we saw how that ended"  Dream said quietly.

"Yeah you got fucked by three assholes" Karl growled.

"... they wore the ones that gave the most reaction in both flashing and that outfit.." dream said softly his tail going down.

"Coul-" fundy started but was hit by techno.

"Let him finsh  stupid fox" techno grumbled annoyed.

"T..that was sapposed to be the hint that I wanted you guys like you want me.." dream sqeeked out "but clearly I went about it the wrong way"

And he teleported off.

"W..we fucked up" I said.

"Atleast three of us got that pleasure..." Wilbur sighed out "we probably  ruined our chnace"

"This was our fault we stormed off the reasons wore valid for him to do as he did" fundy said quietly. "He clearly had a connection with illiuma and punz.. and likes fluffy things"

"We let jealously get us good.." fundy added, sighed out.

"Stop moping.. let's try and find the ring leader before a blueberry finds and takes advantage of the boy who's sadded" sapnap said breaking  the moring cercile.

"Good point sap... still pissed at you" I'd say.

"That's what got us into this mess!" Illuima  growled "stop being little pissbabies  because we may still have a chnace and you'll get yous like us three did if we hurry and find him"

"Agreed with illuima" Wilbur said..

We all split up to look for dream, we even told mar she went quiet and dissapred.

"She knows where he is doesn't she" sapnap said out of breath.

"Probably" I'd replay.

Soon we all run into echother again "he's not in the school" I'd breath out.

Mar apreed "he is. Think of a place nobody goes"

And she was gone agin.

We all look to echother "that would  make sense" Karl said before we took off to the 3rd floor library.

As we approach the door we he sobs of dream.. God damn that broke out hearts.. we hurt him and we never wanted to.

"Why?! Why am I so dumb" Dream cried "i.I.. fucked up a whole damn good because I let three of them rail  me to show a hint.. now I have ass pains and nobody"

We all looked to echother nodding and slowly went in following the sounds of him crying til we found him balled.. under pillows.

It's 3:26am new years day and just incase I get busy tomrrow here's tomorrow's chapter

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